The first week of June will be marked by the "progressive" decrease in maximum temperatures, although these values ​​remain "above average".

For this Tuesday, the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) predicts cloudy skies with high clouds across most of the continental territory.

According to experts, it will be in the north, in the districts of Viana do Castelo, Braga, Porto, Vila Real, Bragança, Guarda, and Castelo Branco, that there will be fewer clouds, with less cloudy skies.

Aveiro will be the only region on the continent with partially cloudy skies - a scenario that will be felt both in the Madeira archipelago and in the Azores.

According to the analysis carried out by IPMA, thermometers will reach their highest value this Tuesday in the district of Beja, with 34ºC. Also in Évora and Santarém the values ​​will be high, with 33ºC. Other regions are also expected to reach 30ºC, as is the case of Bragança, Lisbon and Braga.

In the Faro district, maximum temperatures are expected to reach 25ºC.

As for minimum temperatures, it will be in Bragança that it should feel coldest, with thermometers dropping to 11ºC.

As for the islands, the Madeira archipelago should see temperatures varying between 18ºC and 24ºC and the Azores between 15ºC and 23ºC.