This initiative aims to enhance the comfort and well-being of young patients and their families during their stay in the hospital.

Children's Day, celebrated on the 1st of June, is a special occasion dedicated to honouring and protecting the rights and welfare of children around the world. Lazer Telecom, a company deeply committed to community welfare and social responsibility, recognizes the importance of this day and the need to support local healthcare facilities, especially those catering to children.

The new armchairs, designed to provide maximum comfort, will be placed in the pediatric wards. These armchairs will not only serve the young patients but also offer a comfortable seating option for parents and caregivers, making their hospital visits a bit more bearable.

Des Wynne, CEO of Lazer Telecom, commented on the donation:

"We are delighted to contribute to the Faro Hospital on such a meaningful day. Children's Day is about celebrating the joy and potential of every child, and we hope that our donation will bring some comfort and support to the young patients and their families. At Lazer Telecom, we believe in giving back to the community and making a positive impact, especially in the lives of children."

Dr. Elsa Rocha, Head of the Pediatric Department at Hospital de Faro, expressed her gratitude:

"Multidisciplinary work is increasingly essential in order to respond to the overall health needs of our children and young people. Civil society undoubtedly plays an important role in many areas of well-being and has always been a partner of the Pediatrics Department. It is with great gratitude that we received these armchairs from Lazer Telecom, which will certainly improve the comfort of patients and their parents during hospitalization. May this commitment to social responsibility continue because together we do more and better"

Lazer Telecom’s initiative underscores the company's ongoing commitment to social responsibility and community engagement. By focusing on the needs of the pediatric section at Hospital de Faro, Lazer Telecom hopes to inspire other organisations to contribute to the welfare of children and healthcare facilities in their communities.

About Lazer Telecom

Lazer Telecom is a local telecommunication provider, dedicated to delivering high-speed internet across the Algarve. Committed to innovation and customer satisfaction, Lazer Telecom also prioritises social responsibility, actively engaging in initiatives that support and uplift local communities.

About Faro Hospital

Faro Hospital, located in the capital of the Algarve "Faro", it's a public health institution that is a public health institution that plays a crucial role in providing medical care to the region's population, as well as contributing to health education and research.