In order to grow the Integrated Continuing Care Network (REDE), the Regional Government of Madeira committed 9.6 million euros in awarding to three entities 107 beds. The Madeira Health Administration Institute (IASAÚDE) states that these beds are designated for long-term care and maintenance as part of the investments included in the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).

The IASAÚDE also states that this reinforcement of the ‘network’ “is integrated into the first phase of investments associated with construction projects from scratch, expansion works projects and/or remodelling of infrastructures for the creation of new inpatient units, in the different types of Integrated Continuous Care of General scope, with a view to creating a maximum of 418 new beds, worth 37.6 million euros”.

As per the available statistics, the Madeira Integrated Continuing Care Network now offers 399 beds. According to them, the overall objective is to add 1,080 new places by the end of 2025, in a project that entails spending more than 60.4 million euros.

Programme contracts were already signed on 17 May, according to the IASAÚDE report, for the addition of 75 medium-term care and rehabilitation beds at Atalaia Living Care and 81 more long-term care beds at Dilectus. As stated by the institute, in addition to this, the "DITASSEMPRE - Saúde, Lda will be responsible for creating 63 beds in convalescent care". Consequently, the document states that "under these contracts, 219 beds were included, for a total amount of 19.7 million euros".