The operation culminated from an investigation initiated a year ago by the Criminal Investigation Center (NIC) of Loulé GNR, motivated by the “feeling of insecurity in the community of [locality] Tôr”, in the municipality of Loulé, specified the Territorial Command of Faro da GNR in a statement.

According to the police, the investigation “found the establishment of a network of trafficking, distribution and sale of narcotic products” that allegedly carried out criminal activity in the Algarve region.

In total, six people were arrested, five men and one woman aged between 39 and 58, and 32,492 doses of hashish, 593 of cocaine and 11 of marijuana were seized.

The GNR also seized two firearms, two compressed air weapons, a crossbow, eight vehicles, various communications equipment, fake euro notes and more than seven thousand euros in cash.

The operation involved a total of 54 persnnel from the criminal investigation, the intervention detachment, the Coastal and Borders Control Unit, and had the support of the Public Security Police (PSP).