The festive event featured music by DJ Madison, a delicious food spread provided by Spike Catering, champagne toasts, croquet games, and dancing under perfect weather conditions.

The new clubhouse huts with modern bathroom facilities allows ACC members and guests to conveniently access amenities right on the croquet lawns, eliminating the need to frequently trek back and forth to the golf clubhouse during play and events. The upgraded space also includes chairs, tables, and awnings to accommodate the club's many activities.

"We were thrilled to kick off the opening of our fantastic new clubhouse with such a fun and upbeat party," said ACC Committee Chairman William Weber. Our membership continues to grow, now at 88 members representing many countries, and this facility enables us to better meet everyone's needs." He also thanked committee members Mark and Stephanie Shreeve for their support and hard work growing the club. “Without their generosity, encouragement, and grim determination, the ACC would not exist”. He also thanked the Benamor Gold Club for their support.

Just this past weekend, the club hosted “The Portuguese Open”, a national croquet tournament welcoming international players from England, Sweden, Ireland, Egypt, New Zealand, Spain, Tenerife and of course Portugal. Members also travel and compete internationally representing Portugal.

The ACC raises funds annually to support Bombeiros, Portugal's firefighting association, which often lacks sufficient equipment and supplies across the Algarve region.

In addition to the new clubhouse, the ACC offers a variety of events for members of all skill levels including mixed days, ladies' days, and "sundowners" combining evening play with refreshments. Experienced players and newcomers alike are invited to join by visiting the club's website at

"Whether you're a croquet veteran or total novice, we welcome you to come to experience our excellent facilities and stellar playing atmosphere," added Stephanie Shreeve. "The Algarve Croquet Club prides itself on creating an accessible, social, and charitable organization for croquet enthusiasts."

Contact the club directly via their Email at: to come to try out the club or be invited to their events. For videos about the club and other activities in the Algarve check out the YouTube Channel "AmericanInPortugal" with videos on Portugal Life.