Padre Nuno is inviting all those who would like to receive this sacrament of anointing whether they be sick themselves or be caring for a sick person. Many of us have small ailments we carry with us daily, these too we can bring to this service.
Padre is asking people to register by 13th Feb so he can prepare materials for all those who wish to attend and receive the Sacrament. Contact details are given below.

Everyone is most welcome even if you do not normally attend this church.
This Mass will be in English: the readings, the hymns as well as the Order of Mass. There will be a retiring collection for the Lagoa FOOD BANK. We have over 100 families in need at this time. Please give generously.
This mass will be in addition to the chapel’s usual Saturday evening Mass at 5.30 pm (in Portuguese). This English Mass (normally the third Sunday of every month) does not replace that. And the Anointing Sacrament will be given at both Masses and all other masses in the extended Lagoa parish.
To register and for more information please contact: Madeleine Wheare 964 933 823;