According to ECO, “Due to the high number of accesses to the Portal das Matrículos platform, which resulted in severe constraints, the Ministry of Education, Science, and Innovation has decided to extend enrolments for 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 11th years by one week, until 5 July", informed the ministry in a statement sent to newsrooms.

Fernando Alexandre's office assures that “technicians from the Institute of Financial Management of Education, which manages the Portal das Matrículos, are working with the two companies responsible for the platform to resolve the problems and constraints detected, as quickly as possible ”.

The Ministry states that already during that period “problems were detected with the platform, despite the registration of more than 150 thousand registrations”.

The renewal of registrations for years 6 to 9 and 11 began on 22 June and should end this Friday. “However, the platform has not been able to respond, when at this stage more than 100 thousand registrations are expected”, details the Government in the same note. It counts 19,920 registration renewals carried out so far.