The proposal was approved with votes in favour from the majority CDU, PAN and PSD, and abstention from the PS, IL and BE.

The Setúbal Chamber justified the creation of a tourist tax with the considerable increase in tourist activity and the need to ensure new sources of financing, in accordance with the “principle of fair distribution of public costs”.

According to the Setúbal municipality, according to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics, "tourism activity in the municipality of Setúbal reached a total of 372,482 registrations in 2022”.

The proposal, which had already been approved in a public session of the City Council on 19 June, provides for a nightly rate with a unit value of two euros per night for each guest over the age of 18, up to a maximum of five nights, which should yield “around 400 thousand euros per year” to the municipality of Saino.

According to the Setúbal Chamber, the new municipal tourist tax is intended for “financing utilities generated by public expenditure, by the municipality, with activities and investments exclusively related to tourist activity”.