According to Postal, the Municipality of Lagoa has begun the social housing project in Porches, with the construction of 36 apartments, divided between 3 buildings, with a total investment of around 5 million euros.

“Of the 36 apartments to be built, 18 will be T1's and T2's and 6 will be T3, with the completion period for the work being 24 months”, says the municipality in a statement.

The Municipality of Lagoa “took advantage of three plots of land that had been earmarked for housing construction for many years and the opportunity to obtain financing from the PRR, to submit an application for housing construction, which was approved”.

In addition to the construction of these first 36 homes, the Municipality of Lagoa will begin, in a few days' time, the construction of a further 7 homes in Lagoa, and plans to build around 60 homes at controlled costs, also in Porches, with the typology T2, T3, and T4. It has been buying houses to refurbish them and put them on the market, as well as negotiating the purchase of more land to build housing”.

The Municipality of Lagoa reports that it is finalising “the new regulation for the allocation of housing in the municipality of Lagoa so that it meets the needs of the people of Lagoa so that it is a more updated and fairer regulation in the allocation of housing”.