In June 2024, 19.3 million passengers were flown around Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East by the low-cost airline based in Dublin. In June 2023, 17.4 million people were there; this is an 11% rise from the previous year.

As of June 30, 2024, the Ryanair group of airlines which also includes Buzz, Lauda Europe, Malta Air, and Ryanair UK had carried 188.8 million passengers on its flights. Compared to the 173.4 million passengers that travelled with the firm over the same time in 2022–2023, this indicates an overall rise of 9%.

The aggregate network load factor for the group was constant at 95%, which is the same value as observed in June 2023.

Despite the Irish airline experiencing severe delays and having to cancel some flights at the end of June owing to manpower shortages that impacted various air traffic control centres across Europe, Ryanair was nevertheless able to accomplish the increases and overall success of its June flying programme.