This much-merited distinction was for services Michael contributed to Anglo Portuguese Relations through his tireless endeavours for the establishment of military commemorations. Michael had already made a name for himself in Portugal through his involvement in a World Bank project in Trás-os-Montes in the 1980s and when he retired in 1988, he and his wife Jyll decided to reside in The Algarve. Never one to simply sit back and enjoy the pleasures of retired life, Michael involved himself in a number of projects and activities. Amongst all these, his attention was particularly drawn to two Second World War events which he felt were sadly under-recognized.

The first of these was the tragic crash of an RAF Catalina flying boat in Tonel Bay, Sagres. There were no survivors. Locally it was always believed that the pilot had made every effort to avoid crashing into the town rather than save his aircraft and the remains of the only two crew members recovered are still to this day lovingly tended in Sagres cemetery. Michael felt this event should be more permanently remembered and with his usual tenacity, he persuaded the Vila do Bispo Câmera to commission a magnificent painting by the artist S.J. Boulter. This may be seen hanging prominently in the Câmera today.

The second event was the loss, in 1943, of a USAF Liberator bomber which was forced to ditch in the sea off Faro. Owing to the heroic efforts of two fishermen and a young boy in a small boat six of the eleven-man crew were saved in the most dramatic of circumstances. Backed by a local newspaper, Michael thought that this heroism deserved some recognition. Little did he know how difficult and time-consuming this was to be. Ten years of frustrating bureaucracy and persuasion followed testing Michael's tenacity and patience to the limit. But undaunted, Michael persevered. He was eventually rewarded, in 2023, by the ceremonial unveiling by The Mayor of Faro and a senior Admiral of the Portuguese Navy of a splendid and imaginative Memorial created and executed by Toin Adams. This may be seen near the sea, beneath Faro city walls.

All this did not go unnoticed by the Embassy and Michael’s final reward was the much-deserved BEM.