With a total estimated value of over 20 million euros, the Ílhavo Council has authorised the launching of public tenders for the requalification of three educational facilities, the municipality in the Aveiro region has announced. Under the terms of contracts signed with the government in June, these works have secured money from the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) totaling about 19 million euros.

The greatest amount, 10.4 million euros, is set aside for the Dr. João Carlos Celestino Gomes Secondary School in Ílhavo, according to a council notice. The Professor Fernando Martins Basic School in Gafanha da Nazaré, with 3.5 million euros, and the José Ferreira Pinto Basto Basic School, with 5.45 million euros, come next.

In addition to the contracts, the finance amounts cover other items like temporary buildings and furnishings to support instructional activities. The two Basic Schools will have a 12-month execution date, while the Secondary School will have a 14-month deadline.

According to the same note, “With these investments, the municipality of Ílhavo reinforces its commitment to improving the conditions of the different public services for the community, this time with a special focus on the area of ​​Education, after securing important financing, also via the Recovery and Resilience Plan, for the areas of Health and Housing”.