ASAE inspected 125 economic operators in the area of ​​marketing food supplements, namely herbalists, “natural product” stores, and supermarkets.

These operations took place both in-person and online, including on social media, with the aim of verifying compliance with the legal standards applicable to these products, which are intended to complement and/or supplement a diet.

The main infringements detected are related to the lack of translation into Portuguese of the mandatory information, the marketing of food supplements in breach of labelling, presentation, and advertising rules, the lack of prices on goods, and the lack of an electronic complaints book.

During these operations, 150 kilograms of food supplements were also seized due to non-conformities in the labelling, all worth approximately 4,150 euros.

ASAE warns that it “will continue to carry out inspection actions, within the scope of its powers, throughout the country, to safeguard food safety and the public health of consumers and in favour of healthy and fair competition between economic operators”.