The municipal council of the district of Bragança explained that the measure aims to “control the pressure on ecosystems and their ecological integrity and, at the same time, promote greater safety and create greater awareness of environmental sustainability”. Every year during the bathing season, the reservoir receives 400,000 visitors of various nationalities.

“We will gradually move forward and start charging for the most frequented resort, which often has congested access. (…) It was a decision we had to make, for the good of everyone. With this access fee, we will be helping to cover the costs of maintaining the areas, promoting more convenient and safer road management, and instilling greater awareness of environmental sustainability”, explained Benjamim Rodrigues, the local mayor, stressing that the amount charged is symbolic.

The aim is to then extend the fee to the second beach, Fraga da Pegada. The municipality also announced that improvements will be made to the parking areas.

The Azibo reservoir covers 4,897 hectares and the two river beaches have held the Blue Flag and Gold Quality for consecutive years. It covers the parishes of Vale da Porca, Santa Combinha, Podence, Salselas, and Vale de Prados.

It is part of the Natura 2000 Network and the Iberian Plateau Transfrontier Biosphere Reserve and is a protected area.