The information was shared by the Ministry of Finance, which adds that the average refund period was 24.2 days.

“Up to August 1, the Tax Authority settled around six million IRS declarations relating to income obtained in 2023. Of these, more than three million gave rise to refunds, totalling 3.1 billion euros”, highlights Joaquim Miranda Sarmento's office, in a note sent to the newsrooms.

Of this total, around three billion euros were paid by bank transfer up until the beginning of this month, and according to the Ministry of Finance, the average refund period was 24.2 days in this year's campaign. In the case of automatic IRS — traditionally faster — the period was 12.9 days.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Finance highlights that the total refunds paid corresponds to an increase of 59.5 million euros compared to the previous year.

As for the other taxpayers, of the IRS declarations settled, 1.2 million resulted in collection notes, worth 2.2 billion euros. In this case, compared to last year, there was a decrease of 596 million euros, which highlights the Government.