Young Portuguese are more optimistic, but they are still very concerned about the cost of living. According to a study by the consultancy firm Deloitte around half of these Portuguese admit to having difficulty in covering their daily expenses.

“For the third consecutive year, the cost of living remains the main reason for concern among Generation Z [those born between January 1995 and December 2005] and Millennials [those born between January 1983 and December 1994]”, reads the Deloitte study.

Among Portuguese members of Generation Z, 47% admit to having difficulty meeting their daily expenses. Among Portuguese members of the millennial generation, the situation is even more serious: 50% admit to such constraints.

Even so, young people seem more optimistic than they were a year ago. Around 56% of members of Generation Z and 44% of members of the millennial generation in Portugal believe that their financial situation will improve in the next 12 months. In comparison, a year ago, 48% and 30% of young people, respectively, had this perspective.