The strike, which will take place in the morning shift between 09:30 and 11:30 and in the afternoon shift between 16:30 and 18:30, is being called by the Portuguese Nurses' Trade Union Association and aims to demand, among other demands, a salary increase, an end to limits on career progression and a minimum quota of 35% of nurses in the specialist category.

Minimum services are guaranteed for the provision of urgent and urgent nursing care that cannot be postponed for two hours, as well as for ongoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, administration of blood and derivatives, and antibiotic therapy.

The strike includes health centers and hospitals (outpatient consultations, hospitalizations and imaging services, and other diagnostic or therapeutic examinations).

Excluded from the strike are urgent and complementary care services, hospital emergencies, intensive, intermediate, and palliative care, operating and delivery rooms, day hospitals and home hospitalisation, hemodynamics, and hemodialysis services.