Located on Rua do Aduguete, next to Estrada Nacional 1 / IC2, this new unit is the ninth in the Leiria district and the 148th in the country, consolidating ALDI's expansion in Portugal.

To improve access to the store, a new street, called “Rua do Aduguete”, has been built, as well as a roundabout on the IC2, which will also allow for more efficient vehicle flow on this road.

The opening of this new store will create 14 jobs, with the majority of new employees residing in the municipality, as local recruitment was prioritised. It will also allow eleven of these employees, who were unemployed, to reintegrate into the job market.

This new store is part of an ambitious expansion plan that foresees the opening of 200 stores in Portugal in the near future, focusing on new areas of the country and increasing coverage in the North, Center, and South, including the interior, according to the company.

In 2023, ALDI opened 19 new stores, and the opening in Pombal is already the seventh of 2024, with preparations being made to open a new store in São Marcos soon.