According to SNIRH data, the quantity of stored water decreased in August in 11 river basins and increased in one (Lima), compared to the last day of the previous month.

In the Barlavento Algarve river basin, the quantity of water retained decreased from 19% in July to 16.7% in August. This basin continues to be the one with the smallest quantity of water reserves.

According to SNIRH data, the Arade basin was at 34.8% at the end of August (37.7% in July).

The amount of water also fell in the Mira basin from 39.4% (in July) to 38.4% in August.

On the last day of August, the Guadiana (79.5%), Oeste (76.9%), Cávado (75.7%), Mondego (73.6%) and Douro (68.1%) basins had the highest volume of water.

The storage levels for August 2024 by river basin were higher than the average storage levels for August (1990/91 to 2022/23), except in the Lima, Tejo, Mira, Ribeiras do Algarve and Arade basins.

Of the 58 monitored reservoirs, 10 had water availability above 80% of the total volume and another 15 below 40%.