According to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), the maximum temperature for this Friday should be 28ºC in the Algarve region, where clear skies are also expected.

In the Alentejo, which is usually the hottest region in the country, temperatures will drop a little, reaching 26ºC in Évora and Beja and in Portalegre not exceeding 24ºC.

As in the Algarve, the sky will also be clear in Beja, but the same will not be true in the other two Alentejo districts, where there will be little cloud. The same sky is expected to be seen in the capital, with maximum temperatures reaching 23ºC.

The North, on the other hand, is expecting rain. Rain or showers are expected in Braga, Vila Real and Bragança, with the latter region being the most 'extreme' and where it will be coldest - this is where the thermometers will 'range' between 7ºC and 20ºC.

However, the rain is not only expected on the mainland, as the Azores archipelago is also expected to rain, with Horta and Ponta Delgada recording the highest temperatures in the region, 26ºC.

The Madeira archipelago is not expected to see rain, but rather a partly cloudy sky: with Funchal recording 27ºC and Porto Santo 26ºC.