This data, which is being transmitted to the parties by the Government in the meetings on the State Budget for 2025 (OE205) that are taking place today and to which Lusa had access, put inflation at a value slightly above 2%.

The 2% economic growth in 2024 is slightly lower than previously projected (the Stability Programme pointed to 1.5% and 1.9%), but is in line with what had already been publicly stated by the Minister of Finance, Miranda Sarmento.

On the revenue side, the macroeconomic scenario of the Government led by Luís Montenegro estimates that it will grow between 4% and 4.5% in 2024 and 2025.

However, primary current expenditure (which excludes the portion related to public debt charges) is expected to grow at a faster pace this year than in 2025. Thus, the government's projection points to an expansion of expenditure of 8% in 2024, while in 2025 it projects growth of between 4% and 5%.

The same data estimates that interest expenditure on public debt will increase by 500 million euros this year (compared to the 2023 figure), rising by 300 million euros in 2025 (compared to 2024).

The budget surplus projection included in this macroeconomic scenario that is being presented to the parties points to a surplus of 0.3% of GDP this year and slightly lower (0.2%) next year – a year that will already be impacted by the tax measures and toll reductions approved by the opposition.

The Government must submit the 2025 State Budget proposal to parliament by October 10.