The topic was addressed at the executive meeting by the socialist Tiago Barbosa Ribeiro, following the discussion of the BE proposal for the council to draw up an emergency works plan with a view to making sidewalks, equipment and other urban infrastructure accessible to people with reduced mobility next year.

The mayor told the executive that the matter was progressing, having, however, made considerations about the National Data Protection Commission instead of the National Road Safety Authority.

Later, a source from Porto City Council told Lusa that the municipality was waiting for ANSR to provide a connection to the Traffic Offences System (SCOT) so that the cameras could work.

“The fines are not yet being issued, because they depend on the connection to the ANSR system,” he said.

In February, the municipality told Lusa that the system would start working in March after JN reported that the Municipal Police had already received the cameras to install in at least two vehicles.

The system will collect images of the offending vehicles, and the officer in the vehicle with the camera installed on its roof will be responsible for issuing the respective fine.

In addition to the cameras installed in Municipal Police vehicles and the mobile speed control radars, STCP has also started this year to monitor illegal parking in bus lanes and bus stops, as a result of a protocol signed with the municipality.