“Following a report received by the lifeguards on duty at the beach, reporting the presence of a source of pollution in the sand and sea, elements of the local Command of the Lagos Maritime Police were activated to the location,” AMN said in a statement.

The Maritime Police noted the incident and then contacted the Southern Maritime Department and the Directorate for Combating Pollution at Sea, activating the 3rd degree of readiness of the Clean Sea Plan.

According to the note, the tide and the lack of visibility meant that it was only possible to collect the polluting material this morning.

The authorities also carried out patrols on adjacent beaches, having verified, to a lesser extent, “the presence of polluting material on Praia da Boca do Rio”.

All collected and contaminated material went to a suitable treatment unit, through Vila do Bispo City Hall, according to the note.

The general objective of the Clean Sea Plan is to establish a response mechanism to situations involving spills of hydrocarbons and other dangerous substances, or to situations of imminent threat from these same spills, defining the responsibilities of the intervening entities and establishing their responsibilities.