My way has always been to remain free to explore everything this mysterious universe has to offer us. Therefore I have always sought to assist others to open themselves by whatever means or spiritual practice most suited to their own natures.
My tendency is to see everything from all sides and to attempt a global understanding of spiritual life. How can I know the whole if I only view existence through the narrow slit of a single tradition? If we are strongly attached to any one philosophy or religion, especially to the extent where we are prepared to fight for it— either physically or verbally— then we can know without doubt that we are in bondage to illusion. We are fighting over castles in the air.
Spiritual Knowledge
Religious belief born of social conditioning is not a sound basis for spiritual knowledge or understanding. Those chained hand and foot to cultural concepts can make but little progress along the Path. At best they may shuffle along only to the destination—or unobtainable style of ‘heaven’— as designated by the keepers of that Path.
It is better to adhere lightly to any one system of belief, like a butterfly to a flower—as a mystic or a yogi adheres to the world, knowing that he may be gone from it at any moment.
I see myself neither as a ‘swami’ nor as a ‘New Age’ teacher. I incline more towards the notion of the ‘No Age’, seeking the practices and teachings which are suitable for any age of the world, being immersed in the contemplation of the eternal verities. I prefer the contemplative and aesthetic mode of being cultivated by the Zen monks of Japan—but with more warmth and laughter and less severity.
He who takes his path too seriously is unlikely to arrive anywhere.
Beware of grim-faced Gurus
I find through my widespread research that the scriptures of most ‘popular’ religions of the world, whilst being worthy in their own way, were unsatisfying, as they all danced around the spiritual life on a relatively superficial level, suitable mainly for the masses of mankind.
Doubtless, they all pointed in the same direction and gave a few hints along the path, but having preserved only a few fragments of the Master’s mystical teachings, for a more introspective and serious seeker of truth, none got down to the real ‘nitty-gritty’, brass tacks level as far as methods for self-harmony and Self-realisation were concerned. Eventually, I found it was only the Hindu and Buddhist texts which really explored in depth every aspect of the spiritual path and showed the way—all the way—to the Source: or at least, as close to arrival as any text can show.
So my writings naturally have an Eastern flavour here and there—like a whiff of curry in an English street.
In my Sharing of the Quest I have tried to instil a little of the mystic’s eye view of the universe as a cosmic continuum from the Heart of All through all our hearts: for it is essentially the intuitive knowledge of the reality of this situation which has been the living experience of mystics in every age of the world. And on ‘bringing through’ their wholistic vision of existence, the mystic masters of every culture have spoken in a way which opened up the lives of millions. On whatever Path we awaken to the spiritual life—in this war-weary and confusing world—we would be extremely foolish to deny the wisdom of any Paths other than our own.
On the contrary, we should hail with joy and gratitude the fact that there are fellow-travellers on the Inner Journey, whose teachings may clarify what we misunderstand along our chosen way. For no matter by what road another travels, he is still steadily entering into the Divine, through his own level of understanding of the workings of the heart. So let us walk awhile beside him on his way, and let each support the other in his chosen faith. There are those—and many—who need to walk the ‘safe road’ through the spiritual life, supported by the standards of their inherited tradition. No blame. But if they can also be open to the wisdom of other ways, so much the better for us all.
The less divisive cultural ‘religiosity’ there is in the world, the greater the chance there is for seekers everywhere to awaken to a universal spirituality.
For the hardy few, the spiritual heroes of the world—who have no faith bonded to any fold, then the clear-eyed way of the Universal Mystic is open.
If you can walk a little along this way with me—then you are sure to enjoy Sharing the Quest—extracts from which I will be sharing with you in my forthcoming articles.
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British mystic, author, psychotherapist, spiritual counsellor, mantra yogi, fine artist and illustrator, theatrical set and costume designer. Founder-editor of Gandalf’s Garden magazine and Community in the London Sixties, and 3 years as columnist for Yoga Today magazine, BBC 4 Scriptwriter, author of four spiritual self-development books and two storybooks for children.