“’Let’s talk about pork from Europe’ is the signature of the communication campaign that the European Commission has just launched with the purpose of demystifying some of the most frequent myths about pork”, said in a statement, those responsible for the initiative.
The campaign, scheduled to last three years, kicks off in Portugal, Spain and France, countries chosen for the importance that pork has in the local economy and the Mediterranean diet.
The campaign, mainly aimed at young people up to the age of 30, with an estimated investment of around 7.5 million Euros, is managed by the sectoral entities of each country - Aligrupo - Grouping of Pig Producers, Agrupalto - Grouping of Agricultural Producers (Portugal), Interporc - Interprofessional del Porcino de Capa Blanca (Spain) and Inaporc - Interprofession Nationale Porcine (France).
For the Portuguese market, the investment is estimated at 1.4 million Euros.
“Pork is one of the most consumed meats in the world, but it has been the target of wrong and sometimes defamatory messages, which negatively associate pig production with sensitive issues related to the environment, food safety and animal welfare. This misinformation has led the public, and especially the younger ones, to substitute the consumption of pork meat for other food items”, the document reads.
Cited in the same communiqué, the president of Aligrupo, Vitor Menino, stated that, over the next three years, there will be an opportunity to “demystify and clarify doubts about the relationship between pigs and the environment, and also with food security, research, diversity, nutritional benefits and animal nutrition”.
In Portugal, each inhabitant eats about 44 kilograms (kg) of pork per year.
The pig sector contributes to the gross domestic product (GDP) with an aggregate turnover of more than one billion Euros and employs more than 50 thousand workers.
The ‘Let’s talk about pork from Europe’ campaign will run on various media such as television and social media.
That's very sad.
We have to reduce our ecological footprint, and eating more meat definitely does not help. :-(
This is a waste of money and promoting wrong goals.
By Hannes PJ from Porto on 12 Jul 2020, 10:20
I'm very pro EU but just occasionally they get it badly wrong.
We should be investing 7,5ME in a campaign to encourage young people NOT to eat pork.
There are 'negative issues surrounding pig production with the environment, food safety and animal welfare' because pig production IS horrendous for the environment, food safety and animal welfare.
By Rick from Algarve on 12 Jul 2020, 10:32
7.5 million euros to promote the slaughter of innocent animals. Money should be used to promote a healthier non-meat diet.
By Ron from Other on 12 Jul 2020, 11:34
infuriating lobbyist b******.
By DV from Lisbon on 12 Jul 2020, 14:01
What a waste of money! Pork is the most unhealthy meat around. Various scientific papers have shown that it may cause cancer! They could have spent the monies advocating for a healthy diet to strengthen our immune system hence increasing resilience against viruses such as Covid 19!
By Anna from Madeira on 12 Jul 2020, 15:09
Why is not a single reputable news outlet in Europe having anything about this topic? This looks like a portuguese news invention.
By Tom Randony from Algarve on 12 Jul 2020, 16:19
Put some pork on your fork,
Portuguese eat plenty of pork just look at the sales figures.
By Mr John from Algarve on 12 Jul 2020, 21:43
Brussels should be encouraging people, younger and older to eat less meat. What a waste of money, is all about making millions forgetting the welfare of the animals, the environment and the health issues to humans. Very sad, hopefully the younger generation will know better
By Lina from UK on 15 Jul 2020, 23:06
Ridiculous and dishonest. Pig meat has been proven to be a Class 1 carcinogen to the human body, in same category as cigarettes and asbestos! ( WHO 2020 ) it's also terrible for the environment, and cruel. This reeks of corruption from lobbyists. Guess we are no better than America.
By Georgina Evans from UK on 20 Jul 2020, 07:17
This is infuriating. And so wrong.
How far will they go? This has to stop!
By Mathilde from Other on 20 Jul 2020, 10:51
C'est scandaleux que nos impôts servent à financer la torture et le meurtre. C'est criminel que la commission européenne encourage les élevages intensifs qui vont favoriser les pandémies et tuer des milliers de gens. Manger des animaux tue le corps et tue l'âme. Encourager la consommation de chair animale est une catastrophe pour la planète, pour l'environnement et pour la santé. Je vis en France et j'ai honte pour mon pays s'il a voté pour cette campagne.
By dolorès BERTRAND from Other on 20 Jul 2020, 12:54