The Commission said in a statement that it considers the Portuguese legislation is not compatible with existing legislation since used cars imported from other Member States are taxed more heavily compared to used cars purchased in the Portuguese market because their depreciation is not fully taken into account.
If Portugal does not act within the next two months, the Commission may send a reasoned opinion to the Portuguese authorities.
In related legal proceedings against Portugal, the European Commission has decided to send a reasoned opinion to Portugal asking it to change restrictive provisions on exit tax for capital gains, bringing it in line with the relevant judgments of the Court of Justice of the EU.
Portugal had taxed capital gains of non-resident taxpayers at a fixed rate of 28%, whereas residents were subject to a progressive income tax. In two cases, (Hollmann vs Pública and Fazenda Pública vs Teixeira) the Court has found this different treatment incompatible with the free movement of capital guaranteed by the European Treaty and by the EEA Agreement. Portugal has introduced an option for non-residents to be treated as residents and have 50 percent of such capital gains from Portuguese sources taxed at progressive income tax rates.
However, EU case law holds that a mere option to be treated as a resident taxpayer does not remedy the infringement if the default taxation still imposes a greater burden on non-resident taxpayers. Once again, if Portugal does not provide satisfactory response within two months, the Commission may decide to bring the case before the Court of Justice of the EU.
In the EU there should be freedom of buying in any EU country without an extra tax when you bring the vehicle to the EU country that you live. One tax in the country you buy no second tax in the country you live.
By Howard from Other on 03 Feb 2019, 12:50
Is there any update on car importation tax please?
By David Norton from Algarve on 13 Apr 2019, 05:56
Used car dealers, cant sell any cars to EU, as prices are x2 x3 more then in EU. So dealers are out of EU regulations and concept of free trade/equal trade in EU.
For example bmw 320d ( around 2011 ) tax is 4000-5000euros! car it self cost that money, and if car have 3liter dyzel engine..... its like 20k just for tax
By Sean from Porto on 14 Apr 2019, 20:35
Please give an update article on the car importation tax. I want to import a car and would like to know what the status of the infringement procedure is and if/when the Portuguese regulation is likely to chance.
By Gunnar W Gustafsson from Algarve on 26 Apr 2019, 02:57
In The Netherlands where they have a similar car tax to Portugal's ISV they also have a law which prohibits same-aged, same-specification cars from paying different taxes when imported which is the right thing to do. Portugal's method of calculation ISV is a blatant disregard of previous European Court of Justice rulings. But apparently they feel empowered to ignore the law and that they can tax their way to prosperity!
By Tim from Porto on 23 May 2019, 09:02
Portugal is renowned for not respecting EU legislation .It was also the only country to tell its young people to leave the country if they wanted jobs , instead of creating jobs . Portugal is also renowned for corruption at all levels , having an exceptionally inefficient civil service , and an agricultural sector incapable of doing its won exports
By Paul R from Lisbon on 26 Jul 2019, 17:18
I thought the idea behind the EU was for each member state to be equal... and yet Portugal blatantly flouts these rules with over-inflated import taxes on used cars. If used car dealers brought car prices into line with the rest of Europe the car market would flourish... Emissions would drop as customers would be purchasing newer models. Some used car prices are almost double of elsewhere.
By Ken Bradley from Algarve on 03 Nov 2019, 19:57
if i was to import car from uk to portugal what can i expect to pay
By philip donoghue from Other on 28 Jan 2020, 15:21