The LCF invited all those that took part in the research, and organisations or agencies that are working or looking to work with the Portuguese community.
The research team presented their report and highlighted the key findings.
There was also set to be a question and answer session for members of the community to feed back comments.
The London Community Foundation also talked about the next steps for the Portuguese-Speakers’ Community Fund and invited other organisations and agencies to be involved in the discussion.
It is estimated that up to 35,000 Portuguese live in the Lambeth Borough, but that around only a fifth of this number are registered to vote in local elections and actively participate in the affairs of the town.
While the community remains concentrated in and around the area known as Little Portugal in Stockwell, both the census and the growing number of cafés and bars run by Portuguese speakers indicate that members of the community now live throughout the borough.
Portuguese is the second most commonly spoken language in Lambeth after English. A ‘Day of Portugal’ festival has been held in the borough over many years and now attracts around 40,000 visitors.
For more information on the study and other findings, visit: