Speaking to Lusa, Carlos César, parliamentary leader and president of the PS, Socialist Party, affirmed that the legislature was “worthwhile”.
“It was an innovative experience which, thanks to the union of the PS and other left wing parties, enabled us to increase personal incomes, reinstate workers' rights and address emerging issues such as gender equality.”
“There has never been so much disinvestment and so little public investment as now. Not a single structural reform has been made". So, for Fernando Negrão, PSD - Social Democratic - parliamentary leader, the country has been living a kind of "reality show" since 2015, four years in which it has not been governed”.
Nuno Magalhães, CDS - Cristian Democratic parliamentary leader considered that Portugal "has been living under the illusion of the end of austerity". He accused the PS of imposing higher indirect taxes and said " In daily life I see more and more problems in essential areas such as health, education, safety and transport".
Pedro Filipe Soares, parliamentary leader of BE, theleftist Block of parties, felt that the country is in a better state than it was in 2015 after four years of "destruction" by the PSD/CDS.
President of the PCP - Communist - bench, João Oliveira, described the state of the nation as "One of hope being restored by the recovery of workers' rights and incomes, although things could have gone further".
Ecology Party, the Greens, deputy, Heloísa Apolónia, agreed with the PCP and pointed to the lack of investment in the railways and obsession with the budget deficit.
For PAN, the People, Animals and Nature Party, André Silva said “after a period of austerity and huge effort by ordinary citizens, incomes have been increased and the economic climate is better".
The highest moments
For the PS, "political stability, economic recovery and the approval of four national budgets".
For the CDS, "higher personal incomes, although this does not necessarily mean that there is more wealth available".
For the centre parties the new law giving security forces access to telecoms metadata "to improve the prevention and fight against terrorism" and the new military infrastructure law for the armed forces.
For the PCP, "the hope restored by the recovery of workers' rights and incomes".
For the BE, "approval of the Government programme with negotiations and input from the left. Four state budgets which have improved the economy".
For the Greens, "managing to achieve something to benefit the country, thus proving it is possible to do things differently to the previous political slaughter".
For the PAN, "various parties forming a coalition government with a stable majority - this is a sign of democratic maturity".
The lowest moments
For the socialists, the most negative aspect of the legislature was the "very negative increase of tension in inter-party dialogue, particularly with the parties on the right".
For the PSD, the degradation of the public health service and public transport.
The left Block highlighted the vote to bailout the now-failed Banif bank.
For the PCP, the legislative process has been left out and the PS have opted for right-wing thinking in labour legislation, basic health law and career advancement of teachers.
For the Greens, Heloísa Apolónia has a similar opinion, "the PS stuck to the right in order not to take the issues of decentralisation and labour legislation any further than was possible".
And André Silva, from PAN, chose the forest fires of 2017 which caused more than 100 deaths.