“It is estimated that the contribution of renewable production in the Azores for 2025 could significantly increase from the current 37 percent to the 60 percent in which 38 percent will be guaranteed by a geothermal source”, said Marta Guerreiro.
The regional secretary spoke about the launch of the expansion projects of the storage system of geothermal energy from Pico Alto, Biscoitos, Praia da Vitória municipality, in Terceira Island.
Terceira reached, in 2019, about 35 percent of clean energy, mainly due to the use of wind and geothermal energy.
Marta Guerreiro underlined that the aim is to “increase” the value of clean energy in the archipelago, so three geothermal wells will be created in the central station in Pico Alto, representing a €26 million investment.
The secretary highlighted that Azores Electricity (EDA) will make investments in order to “promote the maximisation of renewable energy use”, through storage systems’ integration, that in the case of Terceira translates into a €14 million investment.
“We will, in this way, fulfil a purpose in the region: clean, reliable and competitive energy and for all Azoreans”, said Duarte Pontes, president of EDA administration council.
At the ceremony, Duarte Pontes, stated that the winner of the international contest for the construction of nine geothermal wells was an Icelandic company named Iceland Drilling.
“If everything goes as expected, both in São Miguel and Terceira, these two islands could reach percentages of renewables in the network of the order of 67/68 percent in 2025”, said Duarte Ponte.