The agenda for this visit also includes “very interesting places, Mr Pololikashvili said such as Estoril, Alentejo and meetings with various authorities in this “marvellous country”.
He told reporters that Portugal’s experience is to be presented to other countries which are “very interested in developing new technologies and startups in the tourist sector”.
Mr Pololikashvili added that Portugal’s government has a “very clear and interesting” plan about how to diversify tourism throughout the country and motivate people who are part of the development and a great asset.
This first official visit by Mr Pololikashvili to a country is very important and “recognition of the work and the investment” that has gone into tourism throughout the country and to spread the activity out over more of the year.
UN tourism boss chooses Portugal for first official trip
By TPN/Lusa, in News · 25 Jan 2018, 13:59 · 1 Comments
Suponho que nos aeroportos portugueses ja estao varios anuncios que dizem Bem Vindos a Portugal, Welcome to Portugal, em varias linguas europeias, e ate Japones e Chines.
Para alem disso e possivel que as cartas electronicas da industria de ferias, para o estrangeiro, capturem a lngua do destinatario, e automaticamente seja adicionada a expressao 'Bem Vindo a Portugal'.
Agora que outras regioes de ferias estao a dar queixas aos turistas, Portugal tem que puxar a braza a sua sardinha, dando uma sencao de serem bem recebidos, ate antes deles terem partido da origem.
O que o turista vai mencionar aos amigos!
By Joao Paulo from UK on 30 Jan 2018, 00:01