would you describe as the main benefits of receiving live-in care as opposed to
any other type of care?
Having my
carer live in has enabled me to stay in my own home, and maintain a daily
routine that I am used to, which I don’t think would have been possible had I
had to move to retirement or assisted accommodation.
What is
it like sharing your home with the carer?
I initially
had some reservations about this, but from day one it looked like it would be a
good match, and sharing my home with my carer has gone very well.
Prior to
the care arrangement was your family concerned about regarding your health and
well-being? If yes, what were those concerns?
It was mainly due to the fact that I had had a few TIA’s and my family was concerned about my health and well-being, hence that this arrangement came into place.
How does
living care impact on your independence?
Initially, I
had thought that it might have had a negative effect upon my independence,
however it has, I think in fact enhanced my independence in that, where
before, I was no longer able to drive myself, he now drives me to
any social meetings or medical appointments that I may have. He either takes
care of the shopping or me completely, or we do it together. This has made a
big difference for me.
Is the
care that you've received, flexible enough to meet your changing needs?
the care I have been provided is flexible enough to meet any changing needs I
may have. At the beginning, I required a lot more care than I do now, and the
carer is very aware of any day-to-day changes in my needs.
important is it to you to be able to remain in your own home?
It was
always very important for me to be able to remain in my own home. Over the
years due to my husband’s profession, I had to move house many times and from
one country to another. I was very pleased that now at an old age, I was able
to stay in my own home.
What are
the options for care that you considered before choosing live-in care?
I had considered a retirement home or assisted accommodation. I often visited friends in retirement homes and always thought on my way home “I am so pleased that I am going back to my own home”. So when my son came to me with the idea of having a live-in carer, I was much happier with this than having to move.

If you
were recommending this type of care to a friend, what would you say?
I would say
definitely look into this option before deciding to leave your home. I am a
very private person and this option gives me all the freedom. A lot cheaper too
than a retirement home.
having a live-in carer at home with you impacted your health condition?
My health
has definitely improved significantly in the last 14 months my carer has been
with me. My circle of friends and my family and my doctor have all remarked on
Do your
relatives live local to you?
My son and
his wife live in the Algarve. My daughter lives in Holland. They treat my
carer as one of the family now and are very happy also with the arrangement and
the care that he provides me.
Do you
feel safer at home knowing that there is a Live-in carer?
I feel
absolutely safer now I have a carer living with me. It is reassuring to know
that if I become unwell, as has happened already during the night, he is here
to make sure I am ok.
Saar@Home Health & Social Care on +351 961 310 877 or alternatively see www.saarhomecare.com - Algarve,
Cascais and Lisbon area