The blooms
have a sweet floral fragrance that's lightly fruity, with some comparing the
scent to that of champagne, and its fresh relaxing aroma makes it popular in
aromatherapy circles. It has been used as a symbol of purity, innocence and
virginity for centuries, and is associated with springtime, new beginnings, and
rebirth. In Japan, it is seen as a symbol of good luck and prosperity,
with the flowers often used in wedding ceremonies and as decorations for
special occasions.
When I used
to live in Bermuda, I had one of these trees, and it was a shady place to sit
under with a book. Unfortunately, a hurricane uprooted it and to our
dismay it lay inelegantly keeled over for several days, somehow indecently
showing its roots, while we agonised over what to do with it. A gardening
team were called on to grappled it upright, and several steel stays anchored it
down while nature took over the roots, and it lived on.
evolved on Earth as far back as 95 million years ago during the Cretaceous
period. Although dinosaurs roamed, bees still did not exist, so magnolias
evolved to be pollinated by other insects - beetles. You might develop a new
respect for the pollinating responsibility of beetles when you look at the many
families of insects that visit magnolia flowers! Bees will visit, but
normally too late in the year for successful pollination. One unusual fact
about Magnolias – the flowers are protogynous, which means that the flowers
first open with the female parts of the flower receptive, then close, and
reopen with the male parts (stamens) ready to shed pollen, which increases the
likelihood of cross-pollination rather than self-pollination, widening the gene
Magnolia is
an ancient genus, named after French botanist Pierre Magnol - he was one of the
greatest botanists of the 17th century, whose career only took off
when he was well over fifty. He belonged to the persecuted Protestant minority,
and in his life was several times denied a position because of religious discrimination.
Magnolia was named by the Swedish botanist Carl Linneaus in 1737 in honour of
These trees
will grow in sunny areas and warm climates, including Portugal. However, excess
exposure to the sun when temperatures are hot can damage them and, in most
cases, the sun will cause the leaves to wilt and eventually fall off the tree,
so shade is necessary. It grows to a height of around ten meters, and its crown
is very wide, and although its growth rate is slow - especially when the
climate is not the most suitable - it is a plant that produces flowers from a
very young age, even in a pot.
messy are Southern Magnolias?
These are
the ones that grow here, and unfortunately, is considered a messy tree by most
standards – they drop their old leaves each spring, together with their seed
pods during late summer. They prefer full sun, but here they may benefit from a
location shaded from the hot afternoon sun, but if possible, avoid exposed,
windy locations because strong winds can damage large flowers and the typically
brittle branches.
magnolia roots invasive? You may get magnolia tree root damage when the trees
grow too close to your house, as with any tree. Most tree roots seek a water
source, and magnolias are no exception. They need watering during the hot
season, but not so much that water puddles in the soil. Although it is
not necessary, pruning your magnolia tree can be beneficial, as it will help
shape young trees and can also remove foliage and any branches that are
diseased, thus preventing infections from spreading further.
Trees add a
lot to your property. They can create shade, add colour and definition, and
increase your home's value. With potential heights of up to 24m and spreads of
12m, the Southern Magnolia tree can make a big statement in your landscape
design. Of course, proper planting and care is essential if you want your
magnolia to not only grow, but also thrive for many years to come.
Marilyn writes regularly for The Portugal News, and has lived in the Algarve for some years. A dog-lover, she has lived in Ireland, UK, Bermuda and the Isle of Man.