Between January and April, the period of a state of emergency and lockdown to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic, the PSP detected 93 illegal parties and the GNR 24 in various parts of the country.
The Public Security Police detected six illegal parties in January, 41 in February, 28 in March and 18 in April.
The National Republican Guard closed three parties in January, eight in February, seven in March and six in April.
In a response sent to Lusa, the PSP states that these 93 parties did not comply with the health rules in force under the state of emergency, in which gatherings and agglomerations of people are prohibited.
This security force indicates that there have been no arrests, as the people responsible for organising the parties have complied with the closure orders presented by the police.
The GNR has closed illegal parties that were mostly held in villas, but there were also events that took place in restaurants, rented properties, discos and recreational centres, and there was also a ‘rave’ and a party on a river beach.
The National Republican Guard has detected, in several areas of the country, parties with the presence of dozens of people and some of them with more than 100 people.
Many of the parties were discovered after noise complaints and when GNR police arrived at these places they found people without masks and not complying with the social distancing rules.
The GNR identified hundreds of people and registered dozens of administrative offences due to non-compliance with the general duty of home recollection, disrespect of the rules of events and violation of the limitation of movement between municipalities.
In the note sent to Lusa, the PSP appealed to citizens not to organise or to participate in the type of parties that gather a number of people higher than indicated by health authorities.
Pity they haven't got something better to do than worry about a few people enjoying themselves. Police state or what?
By Martin from Lisbon on 02 May 2021, 09:18