Compulsory mask-wearing has been in place since October 28th, initially defined for a 70-day period and continually renewed since January.
Face masks must be worn in all public spaces indoors and outdoors whenever social distancing cannot be practiced.
Lets be honest here, there was no data to support masks, lockdowns, social distancing etc in 2020.
There still isn't. In fact, the data shows none of it has any benefits, only harms. And yet, here we are, without a shred of evidence ever being presented. By any Government, anywhere.
By Ross from Porto on 02 May 2021, 11:55
Did the prime minister refer to any evidence showing masks work in preventing the spread of infection in this announcement? My understanding is that the Danish mask study last year and some other studies since say they don’t work. Also experience from Sweden, Florida, Texas and other places suggests masks don’t work. It would be nice to see some balanced discussion of this issue in the mainstream media.
It looks like continuing compulsory mask wearing may really be about keeping people unjustifiably afraid and apprehensive so that they are scared into getting the experimental vaccine.
By Philip from Other on 02 May 2021, 21:03
Several studies find virtually zero transmission outdoors.
No studies have ever established transmission outdoors, in controlled field observations.
Does science mean anything anymore ?
By Linda from Lisbon on 03 May 2021, 08:40
The use of masks, especially the non surgical cloth masks used by virtually everyone, have been shown to be completely useless so why the continued compulsory use. The reality is that our Government is simply trying to control the population through fear. I would be very interested to see if Portugal (as no other country has been able to do) is able to provide proof of the existence of this "Covid19" virus. My guess is not!
By Allyn from Other on 04 May 2021, 19:47
If the use of mask it's helpful...
how do they explain the high number of infections that they had even using masks on the streets?
In Denmark the use of mask it's just mandatory indoor for example inside stores, hairdressers, clinics, shopping centers etc...
And the numbers have been lower than Portugal...
I honestly do not understand how it is possible that they"politicians" have the power to force people to follow these rules that doesn't make sense
By Tina from Other on 15 May 2021, 19:43
In reply to Linda from Lisbon on 03-05-2021 09:40, a big problem I have is that is easy to find medical doctors and scientists that disagree about Covid treatments and regulations imposed. I personally know a retired British GP with many years of work behind him who says that an American ER doctor I also know, and who has worked for 30 years, is "deluded" when it comes to his views on the virus. So how are we to know who to believe? It is easy to say "listen to scientists" or trust what a trained doctor says, but how can you when they do not agree. Some of those doctors I am told cannot be trusted really do have impressive medical backgrounds so the question is why are they holding views that go against what many in their profession disagree with?
By Steve Andrews from Other on 02 Aug 2021, 19:01