Recalling the existence of the decree-law that enables the Government to decide, according to the levels of risk, which municipalities have to adopt remote work as a mandatory regime, the Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva stressed that, at this stage, while waiting for a new scene of risk levels and the easing of lockdown that is being defined by the experts, it was decided that “until the end of May across the country, teleworking remains mandatory”.
The possibility of extending until the end of this month the regime that defines that teleworking remains mandatory in all municipalities in the mainland territory had already been spoken of on Wednesday by the Government.
In this way, the rules in force since mid-January, when the second general lockdown was decreed, are maintained until 31 May, according to which the adoption of the teleworking regime is mandatory, without the need for agreement between the parties, whenever remote work is compatible with the activity performed and the worker has the conditions to perform it.
What a goverment
"teleworking remains mandatory"
So we that live here can't go to work
But turists from UK (with Indian virus) can gather in bars, restaurants and around pools.....
And are free to move as they want.
By Gustav from Algarve on 15 May 2021, 19:13
In February Marcelo signed a law for it to continue to 2022!
By Ana from Algarve on 16 May 2021, 13:45