Last month I told you that it was the super pink moon (‘super’ because the full moon coincides with the moon’s closest approach to Earth in its orbit). Well, it appears the moon is on a roll, and on 26 May the moon will be super again - a super flower moon, in fact (named after the myriad of wildflowers that bloom in May in the Northern Hemisphere).
There’s not an awful lot more to be said about that, but I would like to tell you all about the WILDEST stargazing experience I had a week or so ago. Outside talking on the phone one night, I casually looked up to gaze in awe at the universe, and to my utter astonishment, I saw what I can only describe as a line of stars chasing each other in a straight line across the sky. Now, I’m not talking about the usual flash of a shooting star where you blink and it’s gone. Nope. This went on for a few minutes and looked like a sort of intergalactic highway. Just what was going on? Were the Martians finally landing? I tried frantically to text all my friends to tell them to go immediately outside to see (amused at the thought of them rushing outside to stare at the sky), the fastest ones managed to catch the tail end, but the later arrivals, rather disgruntled, quite reasonably assumed I was just pulling their legs.
So, what was this train of stars actually? A little time trying to explain to Google what I saw revealed it was (most likely) one of Elon Musk’s projects called ‘Starlink’. Starlink are a row of satellites that are constantly chasing each other’s laser beams around the sky and providing internet for people who live in the outback and beyond.
Whatever you might think about this, it’s still about as exciting as ‘stargazing’ gets. To convince my indignant friends, who had rushed outside at 9.30 in the evening for no reason, that I’m not going loony, I discovered that you can find out when the best time to look out for them is by going on this site: The next night I saw they were due back at roughly the same time and we saw them pass by again. So, if you are interested in seeing this ‘high octane astronomy’ for yourself, then watch out for the next flyby.