In the sentence, to which Lusa had access, the judge of the Lisbon court, recognises the "offences to the right to honour and the right to image" of the Coxi family when Ventura displayed their photograph, in a televised debate for the presidential elections, in January, having called them "bandits".
Both André Ventura and the party will have to make a "written or oral" apology, of "public retraction" regarding the facts committed, which should be published by the media where the "offensive publications of personality rights" were "originally disseminated" (SIC, SIC Notícias, TVI) and also on the Chega Twitter account.
If they fail to do so within 30 days of the sentence becoming final, Ventura and the party will have to pay a penalty of 500 Euros per day of delay.
The judge also ordered André Ventura not to make, in the future, "statements or publications, written or oral, offensive to the good name" of members of the Coxi family, under penalty of having to pay "€5,000 for each infraction".
In the first session of the trial, on 10 May, André Ventura said he did not intend to offend the family of the Jamaica neighbourhood whom he referred to as "bandits" during a presidential campaign debate, said he would say the same again and said he did not need to apologise because he understood he had not been wrong.
A source from Chega, contacted by Lusa, said the party will appeal the sentence and will not make any further comment that day.
In a statement to Lusa, the lawyer for the Coxi family, Leonor Caldeira, said she received with "enormous enthusiasm" this sentence for what it means for the "affirmation of human rights" and that it proves that "humiliating black and poor people is not a rhetorical weapon available to political actors".
Under this administration Portugal has a big problema on how it's justice system handles the true and the reality of the facts because those who dare to do proclaim them face calumny and persecution!
By Tony Fernandes from Other on 25 May 2021, 14:14