"I am well aware that Covid-19 has been and will continue to be a challenge for our industry, that the last year has been particularly difficult for TAP and its employees, and that we are living through a crucial moment for TAP, which we will overcome together, just like other challenges in the past. That is why I believe it is very important that we continue with the general strategy and the implementation of the restructuring plan," she said in a video message to workers, to which Lusa had access.

Christine Ourmières-Widener, an aeronautical engineer by training, described herself as "passionate about the aviation industry", which she joined 30 years ago.

In the video, Christine Ourmières-Widener assured that the executive board would "communicate in more detail, in the coming months, the different stages" of the restructuring plan.

"I am aware that there are many challenges in the restructuring plan. There are difficulties, but also many opportunities in our path over the next few years," she said.

The new CEO said that in addition to the implementation of the plan, which is the main priority, she will also make a "strong commitment" to customers, partners, 'stakeholders', shareholders and employees.

"We will emerge stronger, with a very strong focus on our customers, an incisive eagerness to embrace challenges and execute change and innovation, a respect and involvement of all 'stakeholders', with a shared vision of a renewed and successful business, pride in Portugal, and, of course, a willingness to take bold decisions," he added.

In a statement published on 24 June, TAP informed the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM) that the election of the members of the corporate bodies for the four-year term 2021-2024 had been approved at the general meeting.

Thus, Manuel Beja, with a degree in Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management and with experience in the area of information technologies, succeeds Miguel Frasquilho as chairman of the airline's Board of Directors.

Christine Ourmieres-Widener, Ramiro Sequeira, Alexandra Reis, João Gameiro, José Manuel Silva Rodrigues, Silvia Mosquera González, Patrício Ramos Castro, Ana Teresa Lehmann, Gonçalo Monteiro Pires and João Pedro da Conceição Duarte have also joined the board.

The new TAP SGPS Executive Committee for the four-year period 2021-2024 will be led by Christine Ourmières-Widener.

TAP Air Portugal has also appointed a State Aid Monitoring Committee for the four-year period 2021-2024, chaired by Patrício Ramos Castro with Christine Ourmières-Widener and João Weber Ramos dos Reis Gameiro as members.

The new chairman of the board of directors of TAP, Manuel Beja, told workers that he would seek to "reconcile the aspirations of all stakeholders" and create conditions for the Executive Committee to lead TAP to a "sustainable future".

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing, meanwhile, stressed that the management of TAP has entered a "new phase".

"With the holding of the general meeting of TAP SGPS, the airline has taken another decisive step on the path that we all hope will be that of its recovery," reads a statement from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing office.