Further, the need for organic growth on your Facebook account is inevitable. Popular posts appear first in discover feeds and search results. This further multiplies their visibility, and they garner even more likes. Earlier, posting regularly could potentially help you reach above the crowd. However, recent updates to social media feeds have made it so that relevant and popular posts are visible first. Thus, getting heard from among the noise has become difficult.

While surfing the web, you must have come across hundreds of tips to get more Facebook followers. The task can appear intimidating, but it is not impossible. With increasing business size, the marketing section of your budget will unavoidably expand. A small hurdle is that social media engagement platforms outnumber social media websites a hundred to one. To overcome the confusion, we have listed the best sites to buy Facebook likes and followers. Further, we have also listed a few frequently asked questions after that list. Thus, this article is a complete guide on if you want to buy Facebook followers or likes.

Best Sites to Buy Facebook Followers & Likes


Viralyft is a top-rated social media engagement platform trusted by hundreds of reviewers and market researchers. It has a 4.9-star rating and is considered number one wherever you go. Thus, you cannot go wrong with Viralyft.

The company has balanced quality and cost perfectly. You don’t have to spend as much on Viralyft as you would expect to do on such a top-tier website. With fast deliveries and secure transactions, you never fall behind when buying engagement from Viralyft. Further, if something goes wrong, then customer support is available 24/7.

Viralyft provides posts as well as page likes. Page likes are a tad more expensive than post likes since they provide larger gains. As for Facebook post likes, you can score a hundred of those for $5.99. And ten thousand likes are available for purchase at $149.99. Each of these plans takes a maximum of 48 hours for delivery regardless of which one you purchase.


Social-Viral is a great social media engagement platform and one of the few that offer Facebook page likes as well as Facebook post likes. It also provides Twitter, Spotify, TikTok, and Instagram engagement services for purchase.

The most important factor which sets Social-Viral apart is the affordability of their packages. While plans aren’t as numerous as some options on this list, they are less expensive and thus, better suited for start-ups and small-scale businesses.

Social-Viral does not use bots. And it keeps track of its customers’ social stats so that views and likes can be refilled as and when needed. You can buy anywhere between fifty to twenty-five hundred Facebook post likes. They are priced between $3.99 and $49.99. Interestingly enough, Facebook page likes are far more inexpensive here than anywhere else. You can buy fifty-page likes for as little as $1.99. Hence, Social-Viral is the perfect choice for Facebook page likes and other engagement needs. Customer support is available through email and ready to help you wherever required.


GetViral.io and Viralyft are siblings. There is an almost negligible difference between the two websites. GetViral.io also provides 24/7 customer support and global likes and followers. An important point you should remember is that GetViral.io only provides Facebook page likes.

The checkout process is also quite simple and payment options include Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Most other major cards are also accepted. All you need to do is choose a plan, fill up a form about necessary details, and proceed towards payment. After, you can “sit back, relax, and watch the magic happen”.

The plans on GetViral.io are slightly limited when compared to Viralyft. Further, they are also a tad expensive, especially when you look at the higher end of the spectrum. However, there is no compromise in quality anywhere and the additional few dollars are worth it. You can buy five hundred likes for $17.99, or twenty thousand likes for $349.99. Custom packages are available if required.


Social Packages was originally quite limited, especially in terms of Facebook followers. You could only buy a single 500 followers plan for $18. But now, you can buy four more plans at equally reasonable rates. Social Packages is now an amazing engagement platform for all your paid promotion needs.

Delivery from Social Packages takes around two days and the likes you receive are worldwide. There are refill guarantees to ensure your plan is completed without a hiccup. Remember that Social Packages also does not provide Facebook post likes and the posts here are for page likes. Compared to other options, these are highly affordable.

You can buy 250 likes for $10 and twenty thousand likes for $349. This is what most websites charge for post likes instead of page likes and thus, Social Packages is much more affordable than other entries on this list.

Views Expert

Views Expert is another leading platform that can provide for your social media engagement needs across ten major platforms. While it is an amazing website that is well-suited for businesses of all shapes and sizes, it does not offer Facebook post likes. Thus, if you are looking to buy promotions for your posts, look elsewhere.

Another small caveat I must mention is a tiny error on their website. On visiting the “buy Facebook followers” page, you will find a list of packages offering likes instead of followers. This is just an accident that you can safely ignore. The platform does offer followers for purchase along with page likes, that you can buy from this page. Apart from that, there are no deal-breakers here and the website will suit your need quite well.

On Views Expert, you get to choose from between five hundred to twenty thousand likes. These will set you back $16.50 and $347.00 for the lowest and highest end plans, respectively. Views Expert also guarantees refills and a delivery time of one to two days.

Follower Packages

Follower Packages is a simple engagement platform that focuses on the essentials but does not live up to its name. There’s nothing deal-breaking about it. It’s just that the website does not offer followers for any platform except Instagram. That’s ironic, considering that its website has “follower” in its name. But regardless, it is a great option that allows you to buy Facebook likes for your page and posts.

Unfortunately, several plans on Follower Packages are temporarily unavailable at the moment. But that might change soon, and you should keep an eye out on the website. Facebook page likes cost between twenty-five to eighty dollars for five hundred to three thousand likes. Delivery times range between two to seven days depending upon the plan you buy. You can also buy custom packages by contacting them via email.


FastLikes.io is a simple and rapid website that lives up to its name in terms of speed. The checkout process is remarkably simple. After selecting a package and providing the URL to your page or post, the “buy now” button takes you to the PayPal website. This makes the payment process much simpler and safer than most websites on this list.

Facebook likes can start pouring in within eight hours of purchase. However, the delivery is fast and once the orders start, they get completed quite soon. There are seven plans to choose from. These range from five hundred to twenty thousand Facebook likes, and cost between $17 and $349.99, respectively. Each plan comes with a refill guarantee and offers worldwide likes.


Famups provides paid promotion for six major platforms, the list being Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Twitter. The best part about using Famups is its simplicity and plain approach. Without painfully bright colors or UI elements making navigation difficult, it is one of the fastest ways to buy engagement services.

The pricing factor is better with Famups and plans are slightly more affordable. You can choose between ten plans to buy Facebook likes. These vary from five hundred to twenty thousand in number and cost between 18 to 320 dollars. Once again, remember that these are page likes and not suitable for posts.

Famups provides options to buy Facebook likes exclusively from the United States to ensure quality and ranking. These cost significantly higher and only four plans are available under this category. Delivery times range from one to twenty-five days for simple likes and between two to ten days for USA likes. The exact number depends upon the plan you buy.


Famoid is only suitable for buying Facebook post likes. The company’s website clearly warns users to not use this service for buying Facebook page likes. For buying “Facebook fan page likes”, there is a separate section you will need to visit.

There is another word of warning on the Famoid website which states that you should only use this service for personal & commercial fan pages. Further, Famoid does not offer Facebook followers.

Regardless of all these caveats, you should know that Famoid is an incredible website that utilizes advertisement services for providing you with organic growth and engagement. There are four plans to choose from, which offer a hundred to thousand likes for $12.95 and $58.95, respectively. This is a tad more expensive than other contenders. However, the quality of service is incredible and thus, the cost is worth it.


GetRealBoost was originally only for people who reside outside India. Due to some legal restrictions, you couldn’t access it from within the subcontinent. I would run into some sort of error if I tried accessing it, but that restriction has now been lifted. You can buy Facebook likes, followers, as well as USA-based likes from getting Real Boost. It also supports Instagram, Twitter, Spotify, YouTube, and SoundCloud.

Plans range from two hundred likes to twenty-five thousand likes, which cost eleven and 390 dollars, respectively. These global likes are guaranteed to last a lifetime and there is 24/7 customer support available.


Venium is “an advanced promotion solution for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices” that supports five major social platforms. Unlike most options on this list, Venium does not offer Facebook followers for purchase and thus, you are limited to buying likes for fan pages and posts.

One thing I disliked while using Venium is the price difference between page and post likes. While post likes are available for as low as $0.99 per 100 likes, page likes cost nearly thrice that amount. The maximum and minimum amounts of purchase are 50 and 10,000 and 500 and 10,000 for post and page likes, respectively. These likes have a “for life” guarantee that will ensure they remain for as long as the post or page is active, and orders can be tracked live.

Venium is definitely one of the best services out there, but it is not as intuitive as it ought to be. For one thing, you cannot purchase any sort of service without creating an account and signing in on their platform. This feels slow and unnecessary. Regardless, Venium operates independently of Facebook ads and is a great contender for this list.


FBSkip is the platform of choice for those of you whose social media marketing plan is limited to Facebook only. You can buy post likes or fan page likes but not business page likes. You can also buy shares, reviews, and comments to increase reach and organic growth.

FBSkip is also quite fast. After purchase, your likes start pouring in within a few hours and you can easily get more than a hundred likes in a day. Thus, depending upon the plan you choose, you can expect order completion within a week.

Venium offers three kinds of likes for purchase. The cheaper ones are available instantly but may not have such high quality. These start at 100 likes for $5. The second category is of high-quality likes from across the world and starts at 25 likes for $4. And finally, you can buy USA exclusive likes which start at 25 likes for $4 but become significantly more expensive as you go higher on the list.

Buy More Fans

Buy More Fans offers limited services. You can buy Facebook likes, Instagram followers and likes, Twitter followers, and YouTube views, likes, comments, and subscribers. The likes have a hundred percent retention guarantee and if the order doesn’t work, you can ask for a full refund.

Buy More Fans utilizes advertisement services and thus, takes a minimum of two days for all orders. Most packages get completed in 3 days, but the timing may vary depending upon the number of likes. Payment can be done securely via PayPal if you are not comfortable with providing your banking details online.

There are four plans to choose from here, starting at five hundred likes for $20, and going up to five thousand likes for $135. You will notice that the cost is a tad on the higher side since advertisement services aren’t easy to come by.

Insta Followers

Despite its misleading name, Insta Followers is one of the most versatile websites on this list. You can purchase paid promotions for a plethora of social media websites from this platform. It also provides engagement services for several unknown, archaic, or niched platforms. Thus, if you need a single portal to take care of your entire marketing strategy, Insta Followers is the place to go.

Even the Facebook category is riddled with services. You can buy likes, followers, live stream views, comments, ratings, and whatnot from Insta Followers. You can buy both pages as well as post likes and these are subdivided into regular and real categories.

Regular likes are achieved through bot-based profiles which appear genuine to the untrained eye. These are most suitable when your budget is low. However, if you have some money to spare, we recommend buying real likes which pour in through genuine profiles. They cost between $2 to $153 for a hundred and ten thousand likes, respectively.

Socio Blend

Socio Blend is an engagement platform with customization and choice at its core. You can buy likes exclusively from the US, from primarily English-speaking countries, or from all over the world. Apart from that, you can buy custom comments, profile followers, five-star ratings, event attendees, and several other engagement services. Socio Blend is also a social media marketing agency. That means you can contact them for SEO, design and development, content writing, and other marketing needs as well.

In terms of Facebook likes, twelve plans are available. These offer a thousand to twenty-five thousand likes and cost between $15 and $360. The cost is doubled when you buy likes from English countries. USA-exclusive likes are several times more expensive, and Socio Blend only offers four plans under this umbrella. These cost between $100 to $1000 for a thousand and ten thousand likes, respectively.

Fans Instant

Fans Instant lives up to its name in fantastic fashion. With the payment process taken care of by PayPal and delivery times that do not cross the 12-hour mark, it is one of the fastest social media marketing services on the internet. You can buy anywhere between two thousand to ten thousand Facebook likes at reasonable costs. Apart from that, Fans Instant also provides engagement services for YouTube, Instagram, and SoundCloud, to name a few.

To ensure that you receive maximum organic growth, they utilize targeted advertising. This gets you better and faster responses and guarantees higher retention rates on the likes and followers you purchase.

I Buy Fans

I Buy Fans provides Facebook page likes as well as post likes. It also supports a few other platforms. You can choose between worldwide likes and USA-exclusive likes. Both of these start within twelve hours and I Buy Fans that can complete your order within a few days. Larger plans may take longer to process.

As expected, USA likes are more expensive and I Buy Fans offers limited plans there. Worldwide likes range between a hundred to ten thousand likes and cost between $3.99 and $189.99. You can only buy between a hundred to five thousand USA-based likes. And the cost is much higher at $7.99 to $229.99.

Apart from that, I Buy Fans provides several other options like five-star reviews, shares from the US, video views, etc. If I Buy Fans cannot deliver your orders for some reason, the company offers a hundred percent refund guarantee.

Audience Gain

Audience Gain Ltd. is a modern and secure marketing agency that offers engagement and monetization services for YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitch. The likes and followers are from real Facebook users and thus, ensure organic growth without compromising on quality.

Audience Gain is also one of the few marketing agencies on the internet that provide support for purchasing through cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, they only offer Facebook page likes and the plans are a bit limited.

You can buy between a thousand to ten thousand Facebook page followers & likes. Note that these aren’t separate. Each plan comes with an equal number of likes and followers. Thus, if you want to buy only one of those, you must look elsewhere. But if you wish to simplify the process, then these packages are available for $50 and $460, respectively.

Boost Likes

Boost Likes allows for maximum customization for your purchases. Instead of plans prepared by the team, you can select an exact number of likes between 250 to 100,000. Thus, you have complete granular control over what you are getting and the price you are going to pay.

Boost Likes also supports cryptocurrency purchases, though you can subscribe to a monthly recurring purchase if you pay through credit cards. The company offers a permanent fans guarantee and promises free replacement for followers dropped during your campaign.

Boost Likes utilizes promotions from their end to achieve real, organic growth for your website and does not rely on bots.

Build My Plays

Build My Plays is a top-rated social media marketing company that provides engagement services for several social platforms. It provides real and active likes through its social media partners. A small caveat is that delivery times are a tad longer than what we’ve come to expect. The basic 500 likes plan can take two to three days and the largest ten thousand likes plan can take three weeks.

However, these are just estimated periods and the likes start pouring in after twelve hours of purchase. The plans cost $36 and $499 for the smallest and largest number of likes, respectively.


Woorke Services Pro is a full-service marketing, SEO & social media agency that provides a plethora of online services, including the option to buy .edu emails, AOL accounts, etc. The company is by far the most versatile I’ve seen in terms of services offered and chances are, it can take care of all your marketing needs all on its own.

You can buy shares, friends, views, marketplace accounts, reviews, and several other Facebook-related things from Woorke. The rates are reasonable, and you can customize everything as per your needs. You can even decide whether you want European likes, USA-based likes, worldwide likes, etc. You can also choose to drop custom comments on your posts. Woorke lets you stay in charge.

Media Mister

Media Mister carries several years of experience behind its name. It's a rapid, secure, and discreet delivery system that ensures organic growth is one of the best in the market. Further, the company provides a large number of plans, which allows for customization and control over what you receive. The company is based in Arizona and in service since 2012.

A quick side note about Media Mister is that the website is not accessible from within India. If you reside in the subcontinent, you won’t be able to leverage their services without using a VPN. However, if that feels like a bad option to you, there are several other websites you can visit. Further, those who reside elsewhere will get worldwide likes and followers regardless of whether the website is functional in a country or not.

Social Boss

Social Boss is a premier social media marketing agency that has quickly risen to fame. It is one of the few to offer payments via cryptocurrency and provides high-quality likes from real Facebook profiles. Delivery times are also reasonably short, though larger plans can take a couple of weeks to complete. However, that is to be expected from smaller firms.

The best part about purchasing likes through Social Boss is the variety in their packages. Most websites have packages in the hundred to ten thousand likes range. However, Social Boss provides packages that at fifty likes for $3.99. Small packages ensure that your engagement feels real and organic. Sudden increases can feel fake and cause a drop in quality.

Social Wick

If you feel insecure about purchasing likes online, then Social Wick can put your mind at ease. The company has sold over a million likes to more than six hundred thousand customers. Customization and fulfilling the customer’s needs are at the core of this marketing agency and you can choose any number of likes you want instead of being stuck with packages and plans.

The costs are also highly reasonable, with a thousand Facebook page post likes retailing at $7.69. There are a thirty days refill guarantee and the company provides excellent customer support 24/7. Further, the company has been in business since the paid promotion market was initially established. Thus, their experience and knowledge are remarkable.

Social King (Buy Facebook)

Social King is a website out of India that truly lives up to its name and provides a vast array of marketing services for several social platforms. Instead of utilizing bots and fake profiles, Social King has “manual service”. That is, each like is generated by real people with active profiles, guaranteeing maximum growth. Further, since Social King uses advertisements to direct traffic towards your page, chances are that people visiting your page will also visit your website and maybe make a purchase too.

Packages start at the standard 500 likes. The higher-end goes above and beyond the market standards and you can get as many as a hundred thousand likes. The cost is also in line with industry standards at $8.99 and $999.99 for the two extremes.

Buy Social Media Marketing

While this company did not waste any resources in naming their venture, Buy Social Media Marketing does exactly what its name suggests. You can buy high-quality worldwide engagement that arrives at your doorstep within an hour of purchase.

The costs are also highly reasonable, and the firm is one of the advanced few that offer Bitcoin as a payment option.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I buy Facebook likes?

It is necessary to spend money on buying followers for Facebook to achieve social media marketing goals. This helps with starting your business venture and provides it the boost it needs to launch smoothly. With time, it has become the sole option of getting in line with the competition. Remember that talent alone is often insufficient for achieving a successful business venture. Money and capital are essential factors as well and losing either of those will pull you back into the lurch. Thus, purchasing likes is as much a part of the journey as any other.

That is not to say that shelling out ridiculous sums of money will guarantee organic growth. Like we previously mentioned, talent is also essential. And hence, without quality content, you will see a fall in followers’ count even if you keep buying more.

Who should buy Facebook likes?

Buying likes and followers are essential for popularity and growth. However, not everyone needs that much traction. If you belong to either of the following categories, then your requirement for paid promotion is higher:

Digital stores: Becoming successful as a retailer on digital commerce websites requires popularity.

Content creators: It is impossible to gain rapid and organic growth on your SoundCloud or Twitch channel without connecting it to your social media channels first.

Bloggers: Blogs are notoriously slow when it comes to engagement and popularity. Hence, you need to connect them to your social channels, and then popularize those social channels to gain significant growth.

Influencers: Influencers have the highest need for paid promotion of all. Their career will not kick off without enormous popularity and thus, buying engagement is imperative for their career.

What about ethical and legal prospects?

Legally, you won’t be in the wrong if you pay someone to go like your posts or follow your channels. However, some people consider it an unethical prospect to use the money for getting ahead of the curve. Regardless, it has become the norm today and chances are that of a million likes on a popular channel, at least a few thousand are paid for. Thus, if you keep on trying to stay away from paid promotion, you might find yourself biting the dust much sooner than anticipated. Without shelling out a few dollars, you can’t get ahead of the curve. Buying followers becomes essential after a while.

With these points laid out, I will let you decide what works best for you and whether you want to use a paid promotion or not.


Posts with higher rankings through popularity and traction receive a further boost since they appear first in search engine results. Thus, with growing popularity comes a growing need to maintain your streak. Today’s hectic schedules have made constant and regular engagement difficult. Further, people scroll away from social media posts within milliseconds if it does not grab their attention. This makes creating an impact a highly stressful job. What’s more, buying engagement alone will not be enough to boost your career into the sky.

With so many factors, ifs, and buts, social media marketing can seem like a daunting task. However, if you employ creativity in your posts and engage with your audience, it will soon become effortless. What’s more, engagement comes easy when you interact with fellow artists and creators by leaving thoughtful comments and insights on their posts. And since people love being a part of journeys, sharing quizzes and behind the scenes is an incredible way of increasing your channels’ popularity.

That concludes our list of best sites to buy Facebook followers as well as FAQs about the same. If you have other tips to share or know a website that belongs on this list, let us know through the comments box below.