Jeremy Moore is a 62-years-old British citizen that has been living in Portugal since June 2021. Since he arrived from the UK he has done everything by the book, got a tax number, a bank account and bought a property. However, there’s an important element he can’t manage to get – a residence permit.
“To have my residence here, I have to contact SEF, but when I try to call them - and I've tried thousands of times - they never answer the phone”, he told The Portugal News.
This situation has become impossible to tolerate. Jeremy Moore loves Portugal, his wife is Portuguese, like his mother-in-law, and he sold his house in the UK to move to Portugal and retire, but he refuses to be in the shadows of the law. However, despite his best efforts, he can't find a way to make an appointment or speak to SEF over the phone.
“After six months trying to sort out my residency, it is a bit annoying, because I’m trying to be a good citizen, I’m trying to do everything by the book, but I’ve stayed here longer than 90 days, I’ve gone beyond the limit so, in other words, I’m an illegal immigrant”, he said.
Asking SEF to be deported
In an email sent to SEF, to which The Portugal News had access, he explained his unfortunate situation and then concluded by saying that he is an illegal immigrant and should be deported. Furthermore, he asks SEF a couple of questions: “Will you come and arrest me? My address is below; You have my phone number and email address, will you tell me where to come to be deported?; Do you want me to go to the GNR to hand myself in?”.
He added: “It is very sad that it has come to this and my wife is very upset and does not want to see me return to the UK but I do not want to be here as an illegal immigrant so you have a duty to deport me and return me to my country of origin”.
In SEF's reply, they say they recognise that there is a problem within the system that needs to be solved, which they say is a consequence of the pandemic and the growing number of requests from citizens. They also say that they are working to find solutions to this problem. However, SEF doesn’t present any specific solutions for this case.
An unacceptable answer
“This is ridiculous situation to be in. We shouldn’t accept it. We should all apply to be deported, everyone who has not got residency. We demand to be deported, kick us out! Half of the Algarve will be empty. Portugal is trying to encourage investment, it is trying to encourage people to come here, but they didn't even bother to answer the phone”, he lamented.
He believes that this lack of response from the Portuguese authorities is a bad advert for Portugal. However, he still loves the country and praises the Portuguese people. “The Portuguese are not like that. Portuguese culture is about being polite, respecting others. This governmental body is not Portuguese, they are aliens and they are not behaving like the Portuguese”.
Jeremy Moore loves this country but wants to make things right. "I have no intention of breaking any law and I don't want to feel unwanted in this country." The only thing he demands is the opportunity to deliver his paperwork and become a legal immigrant in Portugal – the country he has chosen to spend his life with his family.
Paula Martins is a fully qualified journalist, who finds writing a means of self-expression. She studied Journalism and Communication at University of Coimbra and recently Law in the Algarve. Press card: 8252

Calm down Jeremy. Yes SEF is slower than a week in the jail. But I doubt your classed illegal. I am in similar position although do have a letter of favor re application which is accepted for travel. As for getting arrested. No chance. It’s takes the Portaguese postal service 4 months to deliver a letter so likely the gnr won’t get round to you until 2047
By Stephen from Algarve on 19 Jan 2022, 17:33
You should have known this country is a beaurocratic nightmare run by clowns,before deciding to move here.
There is nothing here apart from sweltering summer sun full of obnoxious tourists and wet damp winters.
By James from Algarve on 20 Jan 2022, 20:11
What an intolerable situation. And to the person who wrote in to advise 'Jeremy to calm down, your glib and worthless remark misses the whole point of the article. You may be willing to sit back, happy to endlessly wallow in legal limbo, but Jeremy definitely isn't - and rightly so. While he waits for a response, he's being prevented from exercising his rights as a resident, not least of which is his right to apply for the all-important Utente. Perhaps if everyone was as proactive as he is, highlighting his case on a popular media platform, the authorities might - even for the sake of avoiding embarrassment - do something to remedy the problem.
By Martin Nugent from Porto on 20 Jan 2022, 22:22
Thank you, Jeremy! You had the crystal clear blame to the arrogant SEF. I fully believe that there are more than 100 thousands of foreign residents in Portugal are suffering the similar embarrassment created by the notorious organization. Personally I'm also waiting for my valid Residence Permit although I've submitted the relevant documents to Portimão SEF for more than 13 months. We love the beautiful and comfortable Portugal, as well as the friendly and patient Portuguese. We do hope Portugal to have an efficient and effective SEF from 2022!
By Mosun from Lisbon on 20 Jan 2022, 23:11
Something doesn't add up! If he is married to a Portuguese citizen he is not an immigrant and he has the right to reside in Portugal.
By Alex Gray from USA on 21 Jan 2022, 00:13
Get an immigration lawyer, they are affordable and get results. Why stress, when you can hire someone to do the heavy lifting.
By Nick from Lisbon on 21 Jan 2022, 07:01
Same situation. Gave SEF all documents in February 2020 and now 2 years later still waiting for my partner’s family reunification residence card. Someone mentioned a letter which allows you to travel. Is this on a non EU passport? How did you get it?
By Nic from Lisbon on 21 Jan 2022, 07:21
I have been in the Algarve since 1982 and remember the struggle getting an identity card - before foreigners were no longer allowed ID's. My old-style residencia expired last May, my husband's new card-type residencia has a union jack in one corner, which is not legal since Brexit. I cannot get a new one on line because there aren't enough numbers on the old-style and my husband can't get a new one because he needs a replacement, not a renewal!
By Glenis from Algarve on 21 Jan 2022, 07:35
This guy is not fair. To relocate some where into a new country where the culture is of course different, you have to get the right competences. You need some reliable accompaniment as I did myself to be a resident in Lisbon. This is the same every where.
By de Longeaux from Lisbon on 21 Jan 2022, 07:42
More whingeing! Calm down, take a breath and sit back.
By Ian from Lisbon on 21 Jan 2022, 07:55
There is a very simple solution. You don't need to wait to deal with this by post.
You can simply go to "Loja do Cidadao" the citizens shop, where ther is SEF counter and deal with it in person.
It may take some time but at least it will be far better than just waiting for a letter.
By Ricardo Barradas from UK on 21 Jan 2022, 12:12
Have you thought of the possibility that you may be dialing the wrong number? For me, after two or three attempts of dialing a number here in Portugal that is not answered, I begin a search for an alternative number.
By John from Madeira on 21 Jan 2022, 12:44
If you've been here since June 2021, that's about 7 months. You mnetioned that you'd called SEF "thousands of times". Let's say 2,000 times to be conservative with your assertion. That means you have been calling them 15 times every weekday including holidays. I guess if I spent so much time dialing a number that is never answered, I might be on edge as well. Sorry about your predicament.
By John from Madeira on 21 Jan 2022, 12:52
So he missed the deadline by 7 months, doesn't have a visa, and blames SEF when you go to the Câmara for residency. Then encourages others to demand deportation when he should basically get on a Ryanair and apply for a visa like thousands of others have had to. No the Algarve would not be empty without people like you. They'd be delighted to see the back of you. The Portuguese government have been incredibly welcoming. This is embarrassing and totally disrespectful.
By Heather Bird from Porto on 21 Jan 2022, 13:06
First of all, you can make an appointment for SEF online : We've used this service quite a few times (Tavira) and it works well. However, this article does highlight the unusual lack of Portuguese politeness firstly and secondly the arrogance and incompetence of many of those employed in the government sector. It's all very well to be told to "calm down" but sometimes entry visa considerations preclude you from re-entering Portugal which means you can't leave until you have that Portuguese ID. There's simply no excuse for not answering the phone. Another shocking example is the IMT.... once you have submitted your driving licence for exchange, it is impossible to track the progress. If there's a problem, you just never find out. Visiting the IMT (Faro) just results in a vicious diatribe from employees who cannot speak any English at all or refuse to do so. It beggars belief, that there's no realisation that people requesting an exchange of a driving licence would probably be those who don't yet speak any Portuguese! They don't seem to be too busy - I've been there twice in the last 2 months and having driven/walked by quite often, there are generally only a few people waiting. Sending an email to IMT only elicits an auto-response that they'll read the email and get back to you. I've NEVER had a response.
By Jenny Keating from Algarve on 21 Jan 2022, 13:40
I am in the same situation since early 2020 We came from California to attend full time at our business here in Portugal. My husband is Portuguese, I am not, although we been married for 50 years, I had to remarry him as our marriage is not acceptable here, Did all my paperwork early in 2020 here and there filling out so many paperwork. Had to apostille my documents again although they were apostille. Got a tax # got a utente # after I begged and begged so I can get the vaccine. Called SEF numerous amount of time with no response!!! Sent numerous emails to people supposedly in charge. The result of all this, it’s 2022, I still did not get my citizenship. We, came to this country, to provide employment for the Portuguese workers that we have. My husband is perhaps recognized because he’s Portuguese but I feel a big insult as the treatment I am getting going through this painful procedure!! Portugal you need to step up and take charge of this painful dilemma your putting people through People that are good citizens and people that are bringing GOOD to this country and please please don’t give blame to the Pandemic!!!!
By Jeannot from Lisbon on 21 Jan 2022, 15:16
Seriously get a life! Deport you? I do believe you have the freedom to pack your bag & leave anytime!! Illegal immigrant talk about MELODRAMATIC!
By M from Other on 21 Jan 2022, 18:33
I'd say he picked the wrong place to settle. I was able to get my residency without trouble here in Ponta Delgada. Perhaps trading the Algarve for the Azores is a better idea than daring the government to detain and deport him.
By Peter from Açores on 21 Jan 2022, 19:38
My husband is a Portuguese citizen. We arrived here in July with my 96 year old mother. By the end of November she and I both were approved for resident status and our cartões de cidadão arrived two weeks later.
Moral of the story…..we planned months in advance (not waiting to arrive and demand residency status), had an awesome lawyer, and now my citizenship process is in its final stages.
Don’t blame your lack of planning on SEF.
By Tom from Other on 21 Jan 2022, 20:56
Calm down it’s only a commercial dear !
You know were the airport is I am sure with Portuguese family and wife you will be just fine ,pushing to the front of the que is very rude wait your turn patiently!
By Drew from Algarve on 21 Jan 2022, 21:03
This bloke should never have left England. He is a species of English person who is well known around the world. My first experience with them was in the 1960's when our family moved from Southampton to NZ. In both NZ & Australia the English were universally branded "whinging poms."
The type are addicted to complaining & whinging. Classic symptom is the constant reference to "back home" it was better, or it was done this way ...
More adaptive poms learn there is always a solution. Repeating the same pattern of failure thousands of times is symptomatic of someone who is enjoying & addicted to the whinge.
Portugal will hopefully continue to ignore him & he will in due course return to England under his own steam.
By Chris Topher from Other on 21 Jan 2022, 21:53
I can sympathize, and after a year of delay to get 1 SEF appointment for biometrics, I can really understand the frustrations. It seems a frustration shared by many. After not one, but several investments since my original residency application, it seems government is keen on taking the investment, but not very good at honoring their side of the deal.
I have got to know many ‘locals’ in this time, and now wonderful family friends, and they have the same impression.
My advice and approach: never give up and never keep quiet about poor service- especially when it’s done in the name of being a “public service”!
We should all support this effort of raising awareness about poor services that impact real, honest people’s lives!
By Tony Williams from Other on 21 Jan 2022, 22:48
Ok, this is a beaurocratic country but we let everybody in. We never deport anyone. Not even convicted criminals!! Ahahahah!!
Seriously, just go to a Loja do Cidadão, talk to someone from SEF and file the papers.
On the other hand, if he wants to leave, just take a plane and go. Who's stoping him?
By Pedro Gama from Lisbon on 22 Jan 2022, 09:39
Pedro. Exactly. Some govt officials can be rude, but our local hospital just sacked three staff for their rudeness to foreigners. Overall, the Portuguese have been very friendly and appreciative of even the smallest gesture of trying to speak the language.
By Ian from Lisbon on 22 Jan 2022, 13:44
As Denis Healey used to say, "Silly Billy"!
By Greg from Other on 22 Jan 2022, 14:03
Not buying the story. SORRY!
By MIchael Howard from Algarve on 22 Jan 2022, 15:09
Do not defend the indefensible. The system is broken. Acknowledging that fact is not unpatriotic. The guy is understandably very frustrated. Why can't they answer their phones. Why is that acceptable. Employ another 2 or 3 bodies to just answer the damn phone.
By Tony from Algarve on 22 Jan 2022, 17:04
"Half of the Algarve would be empty"?? I can only see that kind of entitlement in the UK or when exported by some brits.
Bureaucratic country? Yes.
Slow? Sometimes.
Need to plan in advance? Sure.
Services are bad? Sometimes they are.
Not happy? Come back to the UK to drink beer under the rain.
By AG from UK on 22 Jan 2022, 22:35
In response to Jenny Keating's comment from Algarve, when she wrote "However, this article does highlight the unusual lack of Portuguese politeness", the Brit in this article never said that, in fact he said the opposite. You need to read the article again.
By Lisa from USA on 22 Jan 2022, 23:42
Appointments can be booked on the SEF website, no need to make 'thousands' of phone calls, if his claim is even credible. Secondly, taunting the Portuguese authorities to deport him is not a constructive way forward, and is disrespectful. There is no need to go down this path. This man is showing himself up. If all else fails, since he is a UK citizen, he can contact the British Consulate who will step in and get things moving. Their role is to provide assistance to UK nationals abroad, and they have great contacts and powers of intervention.
By Billy Bissett from Porto on 23 Jan 2022, 15:47
Nothing has changed in Portugal since we came nearly 10 years ago . The SEF is still the same imefficient organisation and the government is incapable of doing enything about it .
By PG from Lisbon on 24 Jan 2022, 00:49
Anything at all related to Public Service / Public Admin does not work well. The people only “work” a 35 hour week due to the promises of the current government to win or retain the public service votes. They need to work the same hours as normal PT working hours. This was attempted by a previous government.
By L from Other on 24 Jan 2022, 10:17
You obviously had this all planned, Portuguese wife Portuguese house but not planned the simplistic thing, your residency. You should have done it before December 2021 and not waited until June. You obviously planned on the UK remaining in the EU. Bad planning now you want someone else to rescue you.
By John Hughes from Algarve on 24 Jan 2022, 11:48
If this country is so bad and "home" so great I wonder why choose it then? Also it shows you never had to deal with bureaucracy anywhere else in the world,let's have a laugh: go and try France...
By Gyrk from Beiras on 24 Jan 2022, 14:11
I am exactly in the same position as Jeremy but a little longer, one and a half years trying to get an appointment. It is now effecting me exchanging my driving licence, if it expires and I drive, this will void my insurance. No doubt there are worse situations that mine or Jeremy's. Can this situation with SEF effect people with health problems. Thank God Portuguese people visiting Ireland or England are not treated the same way.
By Patrick Michael Keane from Porto on 24 Jan 2022, 18:55
My documents expired during and because of Covid. I had to provide documentation that I had been here the whole time they were expired. First I had to speak to someone to see if I could get an appt., then found out it was a particular appt. of which there were none. I called both phone numbers morning and night (9-10 a.m. and 6-8 p.m.) I would occasionally get a live person but most did not speak English. Then I needed to make this special appt. I kept calling and finally an appt. was available in November. I had been calling since February. So frustrating. Wouldn’t he qualify for the Family Unification visa because of his wife and Mother-Law? That would seem easier than what he is having to do.
By Kiki Bridges from Algarve on 24 Jan 2022, 22:58
My wife and I moved to Portugal in October 2022 with our two young daughters, after one month of living there, she abducted the children with the help of her mother and went on the run. Since after many months I’ve tracked her down and taken her to court, court proceedings continue, however she keeps failing making up unbelievable stories and ignoring court orders, as she doesn’t want to seeing my children, I have a D7 temporary visa which runs out in 2025, is she able to stay in Portugal under my visa even though we are separated.
She now lives with a her new partner who is Portuguese, clearly using him to stay in Portugal.
If anyone can help me please get in touch 07940088311 /
Kind regards
Kris Iona
By Kris Iona from Algarve on 10 Jun 2024, 19:57