This information is contained in a statement released by the Prime Minister's office earlier this afternoon, in which António Costa has already informed the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, of his situation.

“The prime minister carried out a routine self-test for covid-19 today and had a positive result. This result has already been confirmed by an antigen test.

In this note, it is also mentioned that the head of the Government “is without symptoms and will fulfil a period of isolation of seven days”.

“The Prime Minister has already informed his Excellency the President of the Republic of his status”, he adds.

Being in isolation from today, António Costa will not be able to integrate the PS delegation that will be received on Wednesday in Belém, by the President of the Republic, within the scope of the hearings with a view to the appointment of the Prime Minister.

As secretary general of the PS, António Costa has been on an electoral campaign for the last two weeks, for this Sunday's legislative elections, which the Socialists won with an absolute majority.

This is the first time that the prime minister has been infected with the virus that causes Covid-19, but he was already in isolation over the Christmas period of 2020.

On December 17, 2020, António Costa began a period of preventive prophylactic isolation, having been days before at the Élysée Palace, in Paris, with French President Emmanuel Macron, who tested positive for the new coronavirus.