Many defend wearing them, others claim they next to useless, even that they are dangerous. As Portugal relaxes the obligation to use a masks in closed areas such as shops etc, its seems appropriate to look at the facts.
The Portuguese people are very good at keeping within the rules, foreigners, especially the English seem to object and refuse to conform. Why is a mystery, mask are for the protection of yourself and other around you, a fact which is hotly disputed by some.
At last, take your mask off
As of Friday (22nd April) the DGS (health department) changed the rules regarding the wearing of masks. Students, teachers and staff no longer have to wear masks for their return to school for the new term. Now we only have to wear masks in health establishments, such as hospitals and clinics, care homes and on public transport.
If you were against wearing a mask, consider this. If you were admitted to hospital for surgery, how would you feel if none of the surgeons, anaesthetist are even the nurses were wearing a mask? Would you be ok with that, or would you protest? Would you insist that they went and got their masks before they operated? They wear a mask to protect their patients, you should wear a mask to protect those around you. Perhaps the surgeon would tell you that wearing a mask was impacting their personal freedom. I wonder what your answer would be to that!
Sometimes we did forget
I have personally found that if you go into a shop or supermarket and forget to put on your mask, you are very politely requested to put on your mask. Most people are happy to do so and apologise. Let’s face it, we have all done it. Now you don’t have to wear a mask.
Some people compromised with a cloth mask, frequently with advertising on them. Cloth masks provide less protection according to most health authorities. They say that you should wear the most protective mask possible that you'll wear regularly, fits well and is comfortable. Respirators such as nonsurgical N95s give the most protection. KN95s and medical masks provide the next highest level of protection.
The universally respected New York Mayo Clinic say, face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as getting vaccinated, frequent hand-washing and physical distancing, can help slow the spread of the virus that causes Covid-19
A cloth mask offers the least protection
Whatever you do, don't rely on a fabric mask alone anymore. They're good at protecting others from your respiratory droplets, but not at protecting you against theirs, even with a filter pocket. A cloth face mask is better than no mask at all. It helps protect others if you sneeze or cough -- but it's less effective than the disposable version especially because many people don't wash their cloth masks often. If you use a cloth mask, when did you last wash it? You can’t use a fabric mask in a hospital.
The European Safety Federation say ‘There is a lot of confusion in Europe about masks. There are different types of masks and it is important to understand the function of the different types and what the user can expect from these masks. In the EU we also have different legal requirements depending on the function of the mask’.
Confusing situation
You can’t dispute that there is a lot of confusion. The UK has dropped the obligatory use of masks, but its noticeable that Covid infections have dramatically increased since that happened. Many people are almost certainly going to argue that this was inevitable, but that it will lead to herd immunity.
According to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University, France has the highest rate of infection. Portugal and the UK have very similar rates of infection, Spain less than both. All have different policies towards the wearing a masks. Where is the logic in that? Will the infection rate change now we don’t need to wear a mask?
Don’t distort the science
The most promoted category of anti-mask arguments is the most insidious one: distorting the science. A common justification is that Covid-19 is simply no worse than the flu; this is clearly not true. Some anti-mask protesters have even said that masks impair breathing, a claim debunked by most physicians.
Another reason many people refused to wear a mask can be motivated by the belief that personal freedom is paramount. Some people claim not to be against masks per se but against governments (and sometimes businesses) mandating their adoption. If you pursue this argument, you should also refuse to stop at a red traffic light, or to keep to speed limits, that’s impairing your personal freedom as well.
A mask is to protect others
Many studies have shown masks protect against Covid. While N95 respirators offer the greatest protection, even cloth masks are beneficial. N95s respirators lower the odds of testing positive to COVID by 83%, compared with 66% for surgical masks and 56% for cloth masks.
The protection when everyone wears a mask is much greater, because it reduces the likelihood of well people inhaling the virus and prevents infected people from exhaling the virus into the air. If everyone wears a mask, the viral load in the air is much lower. Now you have a choice, but be sensible, especially if you have a cold or flu.
I don’t think any of us actually liked wearing a mask, they are uncomfortable, they make your glasses steam up, they do impair your breathing and clarity of speech a little.
The reality is that we should wear a mask when appropriate in order to protect others. Dare I say, was it rather selfish to refuse to wear one?
If you don’t agree with me, and many don’t, there is the option to comment and disagree at the bottom of the article. No bad language please, however strongly you feel.
Resident in Portugal for 50 years, publishing and writing about Portugal since 1977. Privileged to have seen, firsthand, Portugal progress from a dictatorship (1974) into a stable democracy.

As Aussies moving to Lisbon in a week we are happy to see the mandate lifted. If you feel safe to wear a mask wear one but the freedom to not confirm if as important. Masks have very limited effectiveness. Simply ask those infected if they were wearing a mask.
By Jeffrey Jeffrey from Other on 23 Apr 2022, 23:41
I completely agree masks are uncomfortable and an inconvenience. However, I believe it is selfish not to don them in public places.
By Colin Richardson from Lisbon on 24 Apr 2022, 14:37
If masks work then the only person who has to wear one is the person who is scared. Masks in surgical environments are to prevent bacterial infection & bodily fluid transfer and there is scientific debate on wether they even do that SINGLE USE surgical masks in hospitals are used once, in public they are used when dirty with bacteria and other debris. Masks in medical settings that prevent viral infections are professionally fitted and are not removed in the environment that they are used.
If masks worked then there would be no need for the "vaccine" if the "vaccine" worked there would be no need for masks.
If wearing a mask makes you feel safe & virtuous then carry on, also booster 4,5,6 etc is on the way because "it would be worse if you didn't take an experimental injection".
By oliver stevens from Porto on 24 Apr 2022, 20:30
I've had to wear a mask since the start of the pandemic and I still have to when I work because my job requires it. And while they can be uncomfortable and muffle a person's speech, 95% of people who claim that they cannot wear them are not being entirely honest. That being said however, the fact is I am 51 years old and even if I never get to go mask-free ever again, I can safely say that the majority of my life, I had the pleasure of being able to breathe normally and show my full face in public. I do not want the kids and young people of today to be the first generation in the 200 000 years of the human race that spend the majority of their lives NEVER being allowed to do likewise. The fact that many of the people who were able to party hardy 400 000 strong at events like Woodstock claiming that forcing 5 year old children in kindergarten to spend the 6 hours or so that they are in school as "no big deal" is disingenuous. At the end of my work day, when I can finally take my mask off, it feels amazing and I don't want to tell the people who will be responsible for paying the pandemic bill that they will NEVER be allowed to do something that most of us took for granted our whole lives. We've already made things worse for the younger crowd. With housing and post secondary education becoming more unaffordable, they were already behind the 8 ball financially. Plus the fact that they will also be the ones most in danger from the dire effects of climate change thanks to the impotence of us older people on the issue. "2 weeks to bend the curve" has turned into more than 2 years. We owe our kids better even if it comes at some risk to us. Those who came before us took much bigger risks for us. Pay it forward.
By Mark Reisinger from Other on 25 Apr 2022, 02:00
A viral particle is around 1,000 times smaller than the mesh on the masks. It would be like trying to stop a wasp with a chain linked fence, almost 100% pointless. The mask was not designed to stop viral particles, but to be used in a surgical setting to stop droplets and bacteria and to be used once and then thrown away, not used over and over which will breed bacteria growth on the mask. This is all fact. The wearing of the mask was pointless and merely done as a visual form of control and submission.
By Paul Scott Rayner from Lisbon on 25 Apr 2022, 06:24
If you believe that face masks offer no protection only proves you get your knowledge from conspiracy theorists, social media, opinion news shows, ignorant politicians (Portugal has it's fair share) or cereal boxes.
By Greg from Other on 25 Apr 2022, 08:16
Kary Mullis the inventor of PCR technology and Nobel Prize winner 1993 for PCR invention said in many interviews latest in 2019 that PCR tests can not detect which illness or virus infection a patient have, PCR tests can only show a fast confirmation that a person is infected with something, blood tests and other medical inspections is needed to confirm what illness the person is infected with. PCR tests give positive result for hundreds of illnesses.
By Magnus from Other on 25 Apr 2022, 08:29
“this is clearly not true”
“you should also refuse to stop at a red traffic light”
What an excellent piece of journalism, I will most certainly donate now
By Thomas from Lisbon on 25 Apr 2022, 08:50
I don't like wearing a mask, mainly because my glasses steam up, but I am still wearing one when shopping, even if I no longer have to. I think that a mask is bound to reduce some of the airborne droplets if someone coughs or sneezes, droplets that could contain the virus and other germs, so whilst not perfect, wearing one still makes sense for my protection and that of other people.
By Steve Andrews from Other on 25 Apr 2022, 09:46
Microplastic from the masks has now been found in human lungs according to a study publ. In ”science of the total environment”. Will we see a surge in lung cancer in the future? I suppose we will have to wait and see!
By Nils from Algarve on 25 Apr 2022, 10:06
Last chance for the social media self taught expert scientists to educate, us, the "scared sheep", about reality of covid and mask wear! Go for it, enlightened ones, just one last time!
By joao from Algarve on 25 Apr 2022, 10:18
In Sweden almost nobody been wearing masks, there where not any higher mortality in Sweden 2020 or 2021 compared to past 20 years, where is the so called deadly pandemic? Ask funeral service providers in Sweden and they confirm no significant higher number of burials 2020 and 2021.
If the state statistics show no abnormal mortality and funerals is same as every year the conclusion is that we have for sure not had any pandemic.
By Magnus from Other on 25 Apr 2022, 13:47
What a terrible piece of journalism. Shame on the editor for signing it off.
Why not do a piece with primary resource references when stating scientific facts? Oh that's right, you would not have any facts for your biased hit piece to subvert the masses further
By Steve jones from Beiras on 26 Apr 2022, 08:09
Thank you for your article. It seems to be saying that now is not the right time to take off the mask. If not now, when will it be okay to remove the masks in the future? What needs to happen for us to be able to move on from masks?
By Rusty May from USA on 26 Apr 2022, 08:54
Lets have this conversation again in two months and I can almost guaranty a massive new outbreak of a more virulent variant.
Why people make such a fuss about being considerate to others when in a closed space,is beyond me.
Anyway lets talk in a couple of months.If you did your research you will see that the current vaccines have fallen of a cliff in efficacy.i.e they are working much much less.
By James from Algarve on 26 Apr 2022, 12:28
@ Paul Scott Rayner
Sir your argument is flawed as proved by science.
The virus never travels alone,it is always attached to other particle such as phlegm or spit.That means it is almost always caught in even a surgical mask and even better in a N95/FFp2 mask.
You need to educate yourself before writing fake news.
By James from Algarve on 26 Apr 2022, 12:32
Why did not people used masks in the 1940s until 2019?
Masks are useless it is a piece of fabric, what about bacteria and virus under shoes, on arms, legs, hands, hair, under nails. Viruses are everywhere, it is impossible to live a normal life if everything must stay super clean.
There are no vaccines that provide immortality.
By Magnus from Other on 26 Apr 2022, 19:17
My father used to work in a coffee factory. They used masks on the floor. When this whole thing started he reminded me how they would get a half an hour break every two hours ("don't over-wear it, son"). Funny how it took an entirely unpolitical virus before this was apparently debunked.
By Allan from Other on 26 Apr 2022, 19:51
Based on the latest seven weekly reports from the Swedish Public Health Agency, regarding weeks 8-14, the following is obtained:
- Number of confirmed cases of infection week 8–14. A total of 64,877. Of these, 55,551 (85.6 per cent) were vaccinated and 9,326 (14.4 per cent) were unvaccinated, ie the vaccination no longer protects against infection.
- Of 1,302 deaths in weeks 8–14, 1,125 were vaccinated (86.4 per cent) and 177 (13.6 per cent) were unvaccinated, ie the vaccination does not appear to protect against death either.
- Patients at ICU were a total of 181 hospitalized, of which 122 vaccinated (67.5 percent) and 59 unvaccinated (32.5 percent)
By Magnus from Other on 27 Apr 2022, 02:04
Magnus you are showing yourself to be a fool
The virus is spread through the air as a result of people coughing sneezing etc,
The virus does not go from under your toe nail into someone's lungs unless you have a foot fetish.
educate yourself before clogging up boards with drivel
By James from Algarve on 27 Apr 2022, 19:14
Reply to James:
Why then the abnormal hand washing and useful idiots who been spraying cancer chemicals on the streets, bins and walls all around Lisbon. Why did Burger King and other restaurants use plastic film around drink machines, credit card terminals if the paranoia did not exist about viruses everywhere?
If this so called flu would spread by air we would have seen a lot of people with symptoms, I say again me and members of my family have the past 3 years never meet or seen or know about any people infected with life threatening flu virus.
If this virus would spread only by air between people why are people using hand alkohol, chemical spraying in public places, plastic film everywhere in shop and restaurants and plastic gloves and abnormal cleaning of door handles?
By Magnus from Other on 28 Apr 2022, 09:29
Perhaps the writer of this article can provide peer reviewed studies to show masks worked? If the masks did actually work, why then, did people keep getting covid? If the lockdowns worked, why did people still get covid? The so called science behind all this in not proved by peer reviewed studies, can you provide peer reviewed studies to show how the effective the masks are at stopping infection and also peer reviewed studies to show how the lockdowns cut infection rates (which we all know they didn't).
By Aju from Beiras on 28 Apr 2022, 17:25
Don't forget to wear a helmet too. Something might fall on your head.
By Luis Brito from UK on 25 Jun 2022, 06:33