Contacted by the Lusa agency, Anabela Carvalheira, from the Federation of Transport and Communications Unions (FECTRANS), explained that this stoppage is based on the same reasons as the two partial strikes held in March and on 14 and 22 April.

“The [reasons] are the same, unchanged. It has to do with a specific situation in an area of ​​the company that represents the drivers and the workers in charge of the central command post”, recalled Anabela Carvalheira.

According to the trade unionist, the new strike is linked to “the unruly situation, whether in terms of schedules, lack of workers and poor working conditions and, above all, the great arrogance on the part of the management that leads workers to reach a fatigue limit.

“[The workers] cannot continue in this way because they cannot fulfil what is the need for a good public transport service”, she stressed.

On the Metropolitano de Lisboa (ML) website, the company states that “due to a strike called by the union organisations representing ML workers for April 29, the company plans to stop the transport service from 6:30 am at 09:00 and train circulation resumes at 09:30”.

Normally, the metro runs between 06:30 and 01:00.