The rural firefighting device, which has now been reinforced, is now at maximum capacity with an increase of 7% in the number of operatives compared to 2021.

The National Operational Directive (DON), which establishes the Special Device for Fighting Rural Fires (DECIR) for this year, indicates that more reinforcements have been brought in for the third time this year as the country enters level IV, which will continue until 30 September.

During the next three months, 12,917 operational, 3,062 teams, 2,833 vehicles and 60 air assets will be operational.

Of the total number of operatives involved, the largest number belongs to firefighters (6,731), of which 2,589 are from the Permanent Intervention Teams, followed by the ICNF (2,398), the GNR (2,064) and the Special Civil Protection Force (230).