Over the years,
when I find a particularly well written ‘bit in a book’ I’m reading I’ve taken
to writing it down in my notebook. I’ve been leafing through these old
scribbles recently and think it's nice to occasionally share my favourite
discoveries with you here.
This latest ‘bit’
comes from another old book that was written in the 1930s (that must have
belonged to my great-grandpa) by the pipe toking British philosopher Bertrand
The book is
called ‘The Conquest of Happiness’ and, written long before all the abundant
self-help books of today, was this wise and rather charming man's musings on
what makes a happy life. Or, to be more precise, the things that cause
unhappiness - and how to avoid them.
Now, you might
think that written almost 100 years ago it would hardly be relevant anymore,
but I found it very interesting to note that humans haven't really changed all
that much and there was still a surprising number of gems to be found hidden
between the pages.
This ‘bit’ comes
from a section of the book called ‘Fear of Public Opinion’. What Bertrand
Russell basically says here, in his somewhat wonderfully revolutionary way, is
that you should just “be yourself”. Here’s why:
Chapter IX - Fear of Public Opinion
“I think that in
general, apart from expert opinion, there is too much respect paid to the
opinions of others, both in great matters and in small ones. One should as a
rule respect public opinion in so far as it is necessary to avoid starvation
and to keep out of prison, but anything that goes beyond this is voluntary
submission to an unnecessary tyranny, and this is likely to interfere with
happiness in all kinds of ways.
Take, for
example, the matter of expenditure. Very many people spend money in ways quite
different to those that their natural tastes would enjoin, merely because they
feel that the respect of their neighbours depends upon their possession of a
good car and their ability to give good dinners. As a matter of fact, any man
who can obviously afford a car but genuinely prefers to travel or a good
library will in the end be much more respected than if he behaved exactly like
everybody else.
There is, of
course, no point in deliberately flouting public opinion; this is still to be
under its domination, though in a topsy-turvy way. But to be genuinely
indifferent to it is both a strength and a source of happiness. And a society
composed of men and women who do not bow too much to the conventions is a far
more interesting society than one in which all behave alike. Where each
person's character is developed individually, differences of type are
preserved, and it is worthwhile to meet new people, because they are not mere
replicas of those whom one has met already.
This has been one
of the advantages of aristocracy, since where status depended upon birth
behaviour was allowed to be erratic. In the modern world we are losing this
source of social freedom, and therefore a more deliberate realisation of the
dangers of uniformity has become desirable.
I do not mean
that people should be intentionally eccentric, which is just as uninteresting
as being conventional. I mean only that people should be natural, and should
follow their spontaneous tastes in so far as they are not definitely