money is an important part of every adult life, but are Portuguese young people
prepared to get into managing their own money? That’s a question that a survey
carried out in March 2022 by DECO tried to answer.
the first year of school to secondary education, throughout the 27 schools
integrated in the DECOjovem network, 1,156 children have been learning
financial literacy (ability to understand various financial skills, including
personal financial management, budgeting and investment).
More than ever, young people have access to more
information. However, what can contribute to being better informed, can also
lead to increased spending and make young people more vulnerable to impulse
"Too much information is not always good
and if we do not have the tools and the ability to make use of the information
we have, we can become victims of too much information. If young people don't
learn from an early age how to deal with a budget, they end up not being able
to filter the essential from what isn't and they continue to follow paths that
are not so good for their financial choices in life," Carla Dourado, legal
advisor at DECO, told The Portugal News.
an example, the study asked these children a specific question, "If you
find the trainers of your dreams and they cost €99.99, would you buy them
straight away?"
this question, 27% of respondents said they would not think twice, while 39%
said they might buy, but only after talking to their parents. The remaining 34%
of young people said they would think first. With this question, DECO believes
that more aggressive marketing techniques have a great effect on younger
consumers. In addition, price can also have manipulative effects. Prices ending
at 99 cents are intended to create the illusion that the product is cheaper,
influencing young people, who end up buying them more easily, says the study.
actually make choices and money management. Therefore, we have to teach them
what is basic, what is secondary and how they can do it. Of course it is
difficult to explain these technical concepts to the little ones, but we can
adapt the way we teach them according to their age," said Carla Dourado,
who is part of DECO's financial protection office.
In this sense, DECO warns that even the youngest
are still consumers, so children and young people should have a real sense of
the value of money from an early age. "Financial resources are limited,
but our needs and desires are always growing. Therefore, it is essential to
learn to make choices and manage money, knowing and understanding the tools
that allow us to do so in an informed and responsible way," DECO said.
However, DECO believes that young people are
becoming more aware of these situations and that the pandemic may have
contributed to a better awareness around children.
"In 2020, the pandemic forced us to stop
and many of the children we spoke to said that their families had to go through
more difficult economic situations. Children, especially older teenagers, have
become a bit more aware," she said.
How to educate kids?
Giving older children more responsibility for
their own money helps them learning lifelong money management skills.
“Also, when you go shopping and your child goes with you, make a shopping list together and ask them to look at the products on the list and make the best possible choice in terms of quantity and quality”, Carla Dourado suggested.
This is like playing a game. "If they can
bring the same products home for less money, offer them the difference. That's
a way to motivate them to help and make better management choices."
With teenagers, parents can share the family
budget to make them aware of what they spend on essentials and the need to make
those choices. As for younger kids, we can start by teaching them to "turn
off the lights when they leave their rooms or turn off the tap when they brush
their teeth. All this helps us to save money and to involve children in these
decision-making processes."
DECO also suggests parents give children a
pocket money so they can learn to manage it from an early age, "weekly for
the little ones and monthly for older children," she said.
We cannot separate one from the other. After
teaching them these concepts, now it is time to incentivise your children to
save money. "Cool is not synonymous with spending a lot of money. Every
time a child receives a certain amount of money, they should save 10% of the
money they received, whether it is 5 or 50 euros." DECO also stresses the
importance of explaining the difference between what is essential and what is
Should we tell children when things get
are issues that whether we like it or not, you can't pretend nothing is going
on. We should talk to the children and explain that things are not right, but
without passing the blame on to them or putting too much weight on the subject.
We don't want to create anxiety in children”, she said.
can happen sometimes is that these difficulties are not talked about and then
when the child asks for something, the parents get really angry, which is not
good at all”, Carla added.
have to explain to children that we have an income, that this income is limited
and, therefore, we have to make choices. We should get children involved as
early as possible in these choices. I would say that children should never be
left on the sidelines of these problems”, she concluded.
Paula Martins is a fully qualified journalist, who finds writing a means of self-expression. She studied Journalism and Communication at University of Coimbra and recently Law in the Algarve. Press card: 8252