According to the company: “In the first six months of 2022, Century 21 Portugal recorded a turnover of more than 45.7 million euros, which shows an increase of 47% compared to the approximately 31 million euros reported in the same period of 2021”.

Between January and June, Century 21 Portugal carried out 9,804 sales transactions, 40% more than the 7,008 in the same period last year, with T2 and T3 standing out as “the types of properties most sought after by Portuguese families”.

House prices up

The average value of properties transacted in the real estate network increased by 14%, to 184,192 euros, against the year-on-year average of 161,371 euros.

“Despite the level of unpredictability of the current macroeconomic context, nationally and internationally, housing sales prices maintained an upward trajectory in the Portuguese market”.

As for the leasing market, in the first half of this year, 2,360 transactions were carried out, 38% more than the 1,708 transactions in the same period last year.

At national level, the average rent amounted to 1,038 euros, 27% more than the average of 817 euros in the average rental value verified in the first six months of 2021.


Cited in the statement, the executive president (CEO) of Century 21 Portugal stresses that "the high levels of home demand, both to buy and to rent, combined with the limitations in the offer of housing solutions, in line with the purchasing power of the Portuguese, continues to sustain a persistent rise in prices”.

“The exception is the city of Lisbon, where the average value of properties transacted in the first half of this year showed a negative evolution, with many families moving to the outskirts of the capital in search of houses adjusted to their income”, notes Ricardo Souza.

Popular areas

Analysing in detail the metropolitan areas of Lisbon and Porto and the Algarve, where Century 21 Portugal registers “the overwhelming majority of real estate transactions”, it appears that, until June, the average value of a house transacted on the network was fixed at the €293,037 in Lisbon (-3% year-on-year), €203,496 in Porto (+15%) and €178,565 in Algarve (+17%).

In the rental segment, the municipality of Lisbon presented an average rent of 1,170 euros (+15%), Porto reached average rents of 1,022 euros (+23%) and in the Algarve this value was 735 euros (+9%).