Books are a
bit like that, too, although in this case, it’s only a pair of them, both
tackling the question of what to do about all the ‘climate refugees’. (The UN’s
International Organisation for Migration estimates that 1.5 billion people may
be forced to move in the next thirty years alone.)
First up is
Gaia Vince, a British environmental journalist who has interviewed a great many
climate scientists. Her book is ‘Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will
Reshape Our World’, and she has certainly grasped the key political problem in
a rapidly heating world: some people will be hurt a great deal more than
It’s mainly
a question of distance from the equator. Countries in the tropics and the
sub-tropics will be experiencing intolerable temperatures, accompanied by
monster storms, droughts and floods, well before mid-century, while those in
the temperate latitudes will suffer inconvenience and discomfort but far less
actual damage.
particular, they will still have an adequate food supply, while those nearer to
the equator will be seeing their agriculture collapse. That’s what will start
the refugees moving in their millions – and 70 percent of the world’s
population lives in these vulnerable regions. The only places for them to go
for safety is to the richer countries farther north or farther south.
refugees will feel entitled to settle in those privileged countries, too, since
the rich, industrialised countries are responsible for the great majority of
the ‘greenhouse gas’ emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, etc.) that have caused
the warming. It is astoundingly unfair that the culprits get off lightly while
the innocent are ruined – and the innocent know it.
The mass
movement of climate refugees from poor, hot countries to rich, temperate ones
is the political dynamite that could destroy global cooperation on stopping the
emissions and the warming. Everybody who has been paying attention knows that,
but Gaia Vince has a suggestion for dealing with it.
billion refugees
What we
need, she says, is “a planned and deliberate migration of the kind humanity has
never before undertaken,” in which several billion refugees from the worst-hit
regions are resettled in the richer, cooler parts of the world. After all, most
of the latter countries have falling birth rates, and they’ll need someone to
look after them when they’re old.
And then we
have James Crawford’s new book, ‘The Edge of the Plain: How Borders Make and
Break Our World’. He sees the same problem of mass migration, and offers an
even more radical solution: the abolition of borders. Away with the fusty rules
of the Westphalian system, in which each state has absolute sovereignty within
fixed frontiers.
likes anything that undermines or dissolves those rigid borders, like the
‘nation’ of Sapmi that sort of unites the Lapps of Russia, Finland, Sweden and
Norway, or the ‘climate mobility’ advocated by Simon Kofe, foreign
minister of Tuvalu.
Kofe’s tiny
island country will be the first to disappear as the sea level rises, but he
wants its sovereignty to continue even though all its citizens must live
elsewhere. The sovereignty of the countries that give homes to Tuvaluans and
refugees from a hundred other countries would also survive, but shared with the
many sovereignties of the new arrivals.
Vince and
Crawford are sincere and intelligent people taking on a genuinely existential
problem: how can we cooperate to make it through the climate crisis when
the pain and the blame are so unequally shared?
writes about having to “shed some of our tribal identities and embrace a
pan-species identity”, but both authors must know that what they are proposing
is unrealistic and unlikely. Bits of that transition are already stirring, but
it’s hard to believe that it can supplant the traditional loyalties in the next
thirty to fifty years, which is the relevant time-frame.
also a hidden defeatism here. Both authors assume that the heating will be big
and long-lasting enough to force the refugees to move. That’s effectively
writing off a lot of the planet as a human abode at least for a long time, if
not forever.
Vince is
well aware of all the partial techno-fixes to the climate crisis that are being
discussed or investigated. She does not dismiss ‘geoengineeering’ out of hand,
but she doesn’t see its real potential either.
Holding the
temperature down artificially, if it can be made to work safely, is a patch
designed to win us time to get our emissions down without a disaster, not a
permanent solution to the problem. But the biggest disaster it would forestall
is the climate refugee crisis: if the heating stops not far from where it is now,
the refugees never start to move.
Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.

1rst, Thank you to the author for teaching me that “Sápmi” is another word for the Sami. 2nd, about the part “how can we cooperate to make it through the climate crisis when the pain and the blame are so unequally shared?”: I have nothing negative to say about article; everything to say about the rich countries´ “commitment” to climate change. Why? Read “European Leaders to skip Climate Summit with Africa”, 25/8/2022, by Karl Mathiesen, on Politico EU news. So when “loyalty” is demanded by EU, US, do remember how badly these have exploited/snubbed/treated Africa; ok, general public? The selective memory/amnesia doesn´t fly with me.
By guida from Lisbon on 27 Aug 2022, 05:03
Look at the stats and you will see there is no such thing as global warming. Scaremongering is all this is.
Funny how these people ignore the stats when it doesn’t suit their narrative.
By JG from Algarve on 27 Aug 2022, 05:34
Dear JG, I do feel sad about your state of denial about the undisputed scientific facts of global warming and climate change. If you still have any doubts perhaps a trip to Pakistan might be enlightening. Or will you have to wait until you're living in a waterless desert in Portugal?
By Felix from UK on 29 Aug 2022, 18:46