“The many agreements that Portugal has concluded with the People's Republic of China must be carefully reviewed to see if we are not, with a total lack of reciprocity and total lack of diplomatic balance, giving powers to the Chinese State, a dictatorial and persecutory state of its own citizens, which also becomes persecutory to third country citizens”, stated João Cotrim Figueiredo.

The leader of the Liberal Initiative spoke to journalists in Coimbra, at a dinner included in the party's parliamentary days, which included an intervention by the director of the non-governmental organization (NGO) Safeguard Defenders, Peter Dhalin, who denounced in a report the existence of “squads” in Portugal who allegedly pass on information to the Chinese police.

In addition to this proposal, Cotrim Figueiredo also defended that, after hearing Peter Dahlin speak, the “most evident consequence” will be for the Liberal Initiative to ask again for the immediate suspension of the extradition agreement that Portugal has with Hong Kong.

The director of Safeguard Defenders said that the Chinese government has increased the number of people who “disappear”, has increased the rate of convictions and fears that it will apply the concept of extraterritoriality (exemption from jurisdiction or local law) to persecute political dissidents outside of the country, having criticised Portugal's extradition agreements with China and Hong Kong.

Regarding extraditions, the activist said that he has read and seen Portuguese sentences and appeals regarding extraditions to China and that he felt “almost ashamed of being European”.

“They're a joke,” he summarised.