“I confirm that the earthworks [in Alagoas Brancas] have started and for us it is a matter that is closed […], as it is a legal and legitimate project”, Lagoa mayor Luís Encarnação told Lusa.

According to the mayor, the promoter of the project – which has been contested since its inception, in 2007, by environmental organisations -, has every right to proceed with the project consisting of 11 lots.

In a statement, several environmental organisations have defended that the “destruction of this wetland jeopardises the safety of the city in a flood situation”, and claim that the works are “illegal”.

Luís Encarnação highlighted that the initial project was approved in 2009 and that it successfully passed all of the licensing stages provided for by law to allow the granting of the permit.

“The group that promotes the challenge to the works brought out an injunction that reached the Supreme Administrative Court”, with the result being in favour of the works taking place clarified the mayor.

A study by Almargem, an association for the defense of the cultural and environmental heritage of the Algarve, which contests the works, claims there is an “environmental value” in the land in question.

A protest against the works has now been organised to take place from the Largo do Auditorio Municipal Carlos do Carmo, in Lagoa at 5pm on 22 October.